
Manipulate Chromecast Devices in your Network

Primary LanguagePython

Manipulate Chromecast Devices in your Network

Available in

Inspiration - Thousands of Google Chromecast Devices Hijacked to Promote PewDiePie

This tool is a Proof of Concept and is for Research Purposes Only, killcast shows how Chromecast devices can be easily manipulated and hijacked by anyone.


  • Extract Chromecast Device Information
  • IP Address Reconnaissance
  • Extract Saved Networks
  • Scan for Nearby WiFi Access Points
  • Forget a WiFi Access Point
  • Rename Device
  • Kill Running Applications
  • Reboot Device
  • Perform Factory Reset

To Do

  • Play YouTube Videos
  • Set wallpapers
  • Kill more applications

Tested On :

  • BlackArch Linux
  • Kali Linux
  • Ubuntu
  • Termux



pacman -S killcast

Ubuntu / Kali Linux / Termux

git clone https://github.com/thewhiteh4t/killcast.git
cd killcast
pip3 install requests


python3 killcast.py -h

usage: killcast.py [-h] -t IP

Manipulate Chromecast Devices in your Network

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -t IP, --ip IP  IP Address of Chromecast
python3 killcast.py -t


Demo Link
First Version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wmWnMVE2aw