
Deploy Kibana (with LogTrail) on Dokku

MIT LicenseMIT

Kibana on Dokku

Deploy your own instance of Kibana on Dokku!

This setup is intended to be used as a syslog container log visualiser, using the LogTrail Kibana plugin.

To aggregate the logs, you can go with the full ELK stack by running Logstash side-by-side.


This project makes use of:

  • The official (legacy) Kibana Docker image
  • The LogTrail plugin for Kibana

For compatibility reasons with dokku-elasticsearch, deployed versions are:

  • ElasticSearch: 2.4.6
  • Kibana: 4.6.6
  • LogTrail: 4.x-0.1.14



Be sure to properly setup a Dokku instance.

The following Dokku plugins need to be installed:

App and database

  1. Create the kibana app:
    dokku apps:create kibana
  1. Create the elasticsearch database (if not done yet for logstash):
    export ELASTICSEARCH_IMAGE="elasticsearch"
    dokku elasticsearch:create logstash
    dokku elasticsearch:link logstash kibana


  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone https://github.com/rclement/dokku-kibana.git
  1. Setup Dokku git remote (with your defined domain):
    git remote add dokku dokku@example.com:kibana
  1. Push kibana:
    git push dokku master
  1. Fix proxy ports:
    dokku proxy:ports-add kibana http:80:5601
    dokku proxy:ports-remove kibana http:5601:5601


kibana should be running at: http://kibana.example.com


Error while installing the LogTrail plugin

This error can happen during the LogTrail plugin installation:

    The command '/bin/sh -c kibana-plugin install ...' returned a non-zero code: 137

This usually means there is not enough RAM allocated for the virtual machine where Dokku is installed. A minimum of 2GB is recommended.