Modern C++ Practices: part 0 of N-1

Welcome! We'll dive into the most recent developments in C++. It has been al ong decade filled with innovation, questionable decisions and enough confusion to keep consultatns employed for the next century.

This contains a list of what I consider good to know things about C++ as it exists in 2021. I plan to add more entries as time passes


  • Compiler explorer
  • CMake
  • ninja
  • clang-tidy
  • package managers

Language features

  • auto
  • ranged for loop
  • lambdas
  • constexpr, consteval, constinit, if constexpr
  • move semantics
  • [[attributes]]
  • class template deduction guide lines (C++17)
  • user defined literals
  • template magic
  • coroutines (not covered, waiting for better compiler support)
  • modules (not covered, waiting for better compiler support)
  • concepts (not covered)

Standard Template Library


  • std::vector
  • std::array
  • std::[unordered_]map
  • std::[unordered_]set don't use lists.

View types

  • std::string_view
  • std::span

Algebraic types

  • std::optional
  • std::variant

(Smart Pointers)[stdlib/smart_ptr.cpp]

  • std::unique_ptr
  • std::shared_ptr

Algorithms library

  • a whole world of wonders

Multithreading & data sharing

  • std::atomic
  • std::mutex & co
  • std::lock & co
  • std::thread & std::jthread


  • std::format


  • cppreference
  • Compiler Explorer
  • CppCon talks
    • I think these talks thought me C++
    • personal favorite speakers:
    • Andrei Alexandrescu (formerly on Facebook, now teaching)
    • Sean Parent (Adobe)
    • Kate Gregory (Consultant)
    • Chandler Carruth (Google, LLVM)
    • Titus Winter (Google, responsible for their C++ codebase)
    • Fedor Pikus (Mentor, great talks about concurrency)
    • Jason Turner (Consultant)
    • Herb Sutter (Microsoft)
    • Many more, including many people who only spoke once but gave amazing talks
    • can provide a "best off" playlist if there's interest