
A scaffold for sass/scss based projects.

Primary LanguageCSS


A scaffold for sass/scss based projects.

See this article and extend as you need.


The modules directory is reserved for Sass code that doesn't cause Sass to actually output CSS, things like mixin declarations, functions, variables, placeholder selectors.


The partials directory is where the meat of my CSS is constructed. Break stylesheets into (header, content, sidebar, and footer components and a few others), or break into much finer categories (typography, buttons, textboxes, selectboxes, etc…).


The views directory is where page specific styles are constructed and partials combined or (if needed) modified and adapted to their container.

Folder Structure

|-- fonts/                # custom fonts source files.
|   ...
|-- modules/              # Modules
|   |-- _variables.scss   # Global Variables
|   |-- _functions.scss   # Global Functions
|   |-- mixins/           # Most used mixins
|   ...
|-- partials/             # Partials
|   |-- _typography.scss  # Tipography settings and declarations
|   |-- _elements.scss    # Set of commons elements
|   |-- _layout.scss      # Global parts of the layout
|   ...
|-- views/                # Views
|   |-- _home.scss        # page/view specific stylesheet
|   ...
`-- style.scss            # primary Sass file