
R data access layer to MySQL using multi proposal

Primary LanguageR

R data access layer to MySQL for multi proposal using

Libraries required:

  • RMySQL
  • stringr
  • rjson


  • connect. Return a RMySql connection object. The connections must be in a JSON file in this format:




    "user" : "user1",

    "password" : "passwd1",

    "host": "host1",

    "database" : "db1"




    "user" : "user2",

    "password" : "passwd2",

    "host" : "host2",

    "database" : "db2"



  • insert. Insert data in a table. Receive 2 or 3 arguments. Specify arguments is mandatory. Values with ' are replaced with @.

    1. table where data will be inserted: character
    2. fields in table (optional, SQL accept INSERT query with valores, without fields and MYSQL takes care of insert in the query order)
    3. values inserted in table
  • select. Select data