
Converts REST into ROS messages

Primary LanguagePython


It converts REST messages into ROS messages

It can be used for example in combination with PsAlMISt: Pattern bAsed MIssion Specifier (a Java tool allows the specification of robotic missions)


  • Clone the repository in your catkin workspace
    git clone https://github.com/claudiomenghi/Rest2Ros.git

  • Compile your carkin workspace

  • Source the workspace
    source devel/setup.bash

  • Run the Rest2Ros component
    roslaunch communication_manager communication_manager.launch

Changing the port and the type of the message generated

You can change the port and the type of the message generated by modifying the communication_manager.launch file in the launch folder

  • <param name="port" value="13000" /> contains the port upon which the server is running

  • <param name="topicName" value="local_mission" /> contains the ROS topic upon which the received messages are published

  • <param name="13001" value="13001" /> contains the port upon which the publisher is running

  • <param name="forwardedtopics" value="mission_locations,mission_actions" /> contains the topics forwarded by the publisher separated by comma


Within the Co4robots project, this component

  • the server is running on port 13000

  • the pubsub is running on port 13001

  • the pubsub forwards messages on the topics mission_locations and mission_actions

  • the client forwards the received messages on local ros messages on the topic local_mission