
User API mirroring randomuser.me payload

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build a Restful API using AWS API Gateway, DynamoDB and Serverless

Here lies the code to create an API similar to the one in randomuser.me

Contains everything related to DynamoDB, API Gateway, and Serverless

Script to move data from randomuser.me to DynamoDB using the API created

Tools Used

  1. Serverless Framework and Webpack to create functions of less than 200kb
  2. Lambdas in Node 8.10
  3. Jest Framework with 90% test coverage configured and 100% test coverage coded
  4. Use of ES6 features
  5. API Documented in postman file
  6. Built under 8 hours
  7. Migrated over 10000 users in minutes from API using Dynamo's Scaling features