Allows you to control the LED lighting of your G560 Gaming Speakers programmatically.
- Python 3.5+
- PyUSB 1.1.1+
- Root privileges
git clone
cd g560-led
virtualenv ./env
env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo ./ solid 00FF00
g560-led [help|--help|-h] - This help
g560-led solid {color} - Solid color mode
g560-led cycle [{rate} [{brightness}]] - Cycle through all colors
g560-led breathe {color} [{rate} [{brightness}]] - Single color breathing
g560-led off - Turn lights off
color: RRGGBB (RGB hex value)
rate: 100-60000 (Value in milliseconds. Default: 10000ms)
brightness: 0-100 (Percentage. Default: 100%)
Note that the g560 has four independent lights: currently this script will set all to the same color.
Inspired by and based on g810-led, g203-led, g403-led, and g560-led.