PhotoStack is an innovative and easy to use personal photo collection service. It uses AI techniques to order and categorise photos without any help from the user.
The project is currently under active development.
- Develop MVP
- Add tests
- Deploy service to AWS
- Add types to frontend codebase
- Setup CI/CD pipeline
- Setup LetsEncrypt cert
- nginx - Serves compiled react/frontend code, proxy request to Flask/Restify
- Node.js - Express.js for REST API, Apollo GraphQL used for GraphQL API. Most of the actual business logic and job distribution is to be done here.
- Apollo GraphQL - GraphQL library
- Python - Consumes jobs to do work with ML libraries
- Redis - Job queue, i.e. images to process
- MinIO - Object (image) storage system
- MongoDB - Storing metadeta and references to objects
PhotoStack is BSD 3-Clause licensed.