
Juju bundle for all the FINOS Legend Charmed K8s Operators

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

FINOS - Incubating


Juju bundle for all the FINOS Legend Juju Charmed operators on Kubernetes.

The bundle will deploy and relate the following applications:

0. MicroK8s and Juju setup

The following section will provide quick setup instructions for MicroK8s and Juju on Ubuntu 20.04. Note that Juju can be configured to use any Kubernetes deployment, so you can also bring your own.

MicroK8s installation:

sudo snap install microk8s --classic
sudo snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl

sudo usermod -a -G microk8s $USER
sudo chown -f -R $USER ~/.kube
newgrp microk8s
microk8s status --wait-ready

sudo microk8s.enable dns storage ingress
# might need to give it a minute, check using:
microk8s status

Juju setup:

sudo snap install juju --classic
juju bootstrap microk8s micro

# This may take a while, check the status using:
juju status

juju add-model legend

1. Bundle deployment

After setting up Juju on the Kubernetes of your choice:

# Deploy the bundle:
juju deploy finos-legend-bundle --channel=edge

The above command will deploy the latest application bundle published. You can deploy a specific version based on a FINOS Legend release by its year and month (newer than 2022.04.01):

juju deploy finos-legend-bundle --channel=2022-04/edge

The above should yield a model containing all the Legend apps in either blocked or waiting status, and require GitLab configuration to proceed.

2. GitLab configuration

2.A: Using private GitLab (recommended)


juju config finos-legend-gitlab-integrator-k8s \
    gitlab-host="<GitLab IP or hostname>" gitlab-port=443 access-token="CqVrcbHOMeU="

2.B: Using pre-created GitLab application


  • access to the portal of gitlab.com or the private GitLab
  • application creation rights on said account

Creating the GitLab Application:

  • login to Gitlab
  • Go top-left to User Settings > Applications
  • Create a new application with the following:
  • Save the Client ID and Secret for later

Setting the GitLab application creds:

# NOTE: one may optionally add the following, else it defaults to gitlab.com:
# api-scheme=http gitlab-host= gitlab-port 443
juju config finos-legend-gitlab-integrator-k8s \
    bypass-client-id=<cliend id> \
    bypass-client-secret=<client secret>

Fetching the redirect URIs:

Once the finos-legend-gitlab-integrator-k8s becomes active:

user@ubuntu:~$ juju status | grep gitlab
finos-legend-gitlab-integrator-k8s/0*  active    idle

user@ubuntu:~$ juju run-action finos-legend-gitlab-integrator-k8s/0 get-redirect-uris
Action queued with id: "2"

user@ubuntu:~$ juju show-action-output 2
UnitId: finos-legend-gitlab-integrator-k8s/0
id: "2"
  result: |-
status: completed
  completed: 2021-09-27 18:50:39 +0000 UTC
  enqueued: 2021-09-27 18:50:38 +0000 UTC
  started: 2021-09-27 18:50:38 +0000 UTC

Setting the above redirect URIs into GitLab:

  • log back into your GitLab portal
  • go to the application created previously
  • edit the Redirect URI setting of the application
  • paste the output of the result field from the juju show-action-output command run previously

GitLab application reconfiguration or reuse:

Due to intentional security-minded limitations in the GitLab APIs, the client ID and secret of existing applications cannot be queried programatically, and can only be known if creating an application on the spot.

In this sense, reusing GitLab applications upon redeploying the integrator will require taking one of the following options:

  1. reusing an existing GitLab application can be achieved by reconfiguring the charm using the bypass-client-id and bypass-client-secret configuration options with the client ID/secret which can be obtained from the GitLab Web user interface as described in section 2.B above.
  2. manually deleting the application and having the integrator create a new one on the next run
  3. reconfiguring the integrator with the application-name config option to create a new application with a different name. Note that this does NOT clean up/replace the old app.

Automatic FINOS Legend image updates

This repository has a Github action configured to check if any new FINOS Legend releases have been published. If so, the Github action will pull the FINOS Legend Engine, SDLC, and Studio images defined in the release's manifest.josn file, pull them, upload them into Charmhub, and release the Legend Charms with those image revisions. For more information on the Github action and how it se set up, see here.


Visit Legend Contribution Guide to learn how to contribute to Legend.


Copyright (c) 2021-present, Canonical

Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0