A fully functional discord and telegram bot with various functions
These instructions will give you a copy of the project up and running on your local or remote machine.
Automated install:
- systemd
- docker
- docker-compose
Manual install:
- docker
- docker-compose
There are two ways to run this bot, one is by manually using docker-compose and another one is by using the convenience script install.sh.
The main difference is that the automated install requires systemd and will handle the bot restarts automatically.
- cp .env.sample to .env and edit it with your paarams
- cp one of the docker-compose(one of your choiche) file in the main dir to docker-compose.yml
- run "./install.sh" or docker-compose up
- if using the install.sh script you can use systemd to control the bot (systemctl start/stop/restart docker-compose@jerky-tts-bot)