
Comprehensive development environment for the Sulu content management platform based on docker-compose

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Comprehensive development environment for the Sulu content management platform based on docker-compose.



  • MySQL
  • Blackfire
  • Elasticsearch
  • Kibana
  • Logstash


  • Autoconfiguration of environment (Nginx, MySQL and PHP-FPM)
  • Xdebug debugging
  • Profiling with Blackfire
  • ELK stack for log processing (nginx logs and symfony logs)


  • Sulu-Website: PROJECT_DOMAIN:PORT_NGINX (default: sulu.localhost:10080)
  • Sulu-Admin: PROJECT_DOMAIN:PORT_NGINX/admin (default: sulu.localhost:10080/admin)
  • MySQL: PROJECT_DOMAIN:PORT_MYSQL (default: sulu.localhost:13306)
  • Kibana: PROJECT_DOMAIN:PORT_KIBANA (default: sulu.localhost:15601)

Folder Structure

  • project: contains project files
  • docker: configuration for docker containers
  • var/data: folder for application related data
  • var/logs: log files of different services

Install Environment

git clone https://github.com/sulu/sulu-docker -b develop
cd sulu-docker
cp .env.dist .env

The .env file contains several environment variables that are used to throughout the environment. This allows to configure the project path, database settings, php settings, public ports of the services and the domain name.

To access sulu, a host entry must be added to /etc/hosts:    sulu.localhost (value of your PROJECT_DOMAIN)

Startup Containers

docker-compose up

Or in background with:

docker-compose start

Create Sulu Project

# Start bash inside of the php container
docker-compose exec php bash

# Create a new sulu project with composer
composer create-project "sulu/sulu-minimal:dev-develop" /tmp/project
cp -RT /tmp/project . && rm -rf /tmp/project/

# Set the correct database url to the `.env` file

# Initialize sulu project
bin/adminconsole sulu:build dev --destroy

After completing these steps the services should be accessible via the URLs listed above.

Update Container Configuration

When changing the configuration of a docker container inside docker folder, the environment must be rebuilt and restarted:

docker-compose down
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Xdebug Configuration

You will need to set the XDEBUG_REMOTE_CONNECT_BACK or XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST variable file. Make sure to read the comments in .env file.

When using PHPStorm, you will need to add as new server with the following configuration at Project preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Servers:

Name: sulu-docker
Host: value of your PROJECT_DOMAIN variable (default: sulu.localhost)
Port: value of your PORT_NGINX variable (default: 10080)
Debugger: Xdebug

Use path mappings: true
Absolute path on the server of the project directory: /var/www/project