
A program which automatically takes in videos and spits out a new video made up of shortened clips from the old videos.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Automated Editor

An application which can automate videos together in a simple manner. Idea based off of Devon Crawford's attempt in which he is using the ffmpeg library.

Read this in: Français

How It Works

This project uses the ffmpeg-python library to handle video processing and the PIL for image processing. To run this you'll need to first install ffmpeg and ffmpeg-python

Directory Guide

  • src/ (source code)
  • frames/ (where color and gray frames are stored for editing. Might take up a lot of space while program runs, deletes automatically when finished)
  • imports/ (directory for all videos to be edited)
  • exports/ (this is where the final edited video is placed)

Do Not's

  1. Do not place videos with wildly different base framerates and then use an even different framerate as an argument - the program will cut videos very short
  2. Do not put a folder into the imports/ folder as it will read that but cannot access those files
  3. Do not open up the folders created in frames/ until the program finishes as the command prompt will deny access to that folder and break

How to Use

  1. Place desired videos into imports/, ensuring that the filenames have no spaces
  2. Run editor.py and select any variables desired
  3. Wait for edited video to be created
  4. Enjoy your new video


Arg Desc
-fps framerate of the video [int]
-cs size for each frame chunk, xth out of every y pixels, smaller will take longer [x:y]
-cl range for how long each cut clips are [x:y]
-r resolution of the final video [w:h]