
Homework for compiler construction

Primary LanguageC


Homework for compiler construction


  • Meson in a recent version (0.44.0) (you may want to install it via pip3 install --user meson)

  • Ninja

  • time, typically located at /usr/bin/time, do not confuse with the Bash built-in

  • flex for generating the lexer

  • bison for generating the parser

  • a compiler supporting C11 (and C++14 for unit tests) -- typically GCC or Clang (We currently only support GCC inside mCc when compiling assembly, but our sources should compile fine with any compiler)

  • doxygen (optional), to generate HTML documentation.


First get the Code of the compiler:

$ git clone https://github.com/clawoflight/2018S_CompilerConstruction.git
$ cd mCc

Then setup the build system:

meson builddir
cd builddir

Then call ninja to compile.



The compiler can be called with mCc, see it's help message for details.

mC_to_dot is provided to visualize the AST. It can only read from stdin and write to stdout.

./mCc --help

The unit tests can be found in test and can be run with:

ninja test
ninja testgrind # tests behind valgrind

Integration tests can be run with:


In order dump the symbol tables, --print-symtab and the corresponding output may be specified. - or no argument for stdout is supported. The symbol tables will be printed as markdown table.

./mCc ackermann.mC --print-symtab=st-out.md

# Generate HTML
./mCc ackermann.mC --print-symtab | markdown > st-out.html
./mCc ackermann.mC --print-symtab | pandoc -f markdown -o st-out.html

In order to print the Three Address Code (TAC), --print-tac and the corresponding output may be specified. - or no argument for stdout is supported.

./mCc ackermann.mC --print-tac=tac-out.txt

# decent syntax highlighting:
./mCc ackermann.mC --print-tac | vim -c "setf asm" -
./mCc ackermann.mC --print-tac | highlight -O xterm256 --syntax asm | less
./mCc ackermann.mC --print-tac | highlight --syntax asm > tac-out.html

The generated assembly can also be printed using --print-asm, and it is also stored in a.s during normal compilation.

The control-flow graphs can be printed in DOT format using --print-cfg.

./mCc ackermann.mC --print-cfg=t.dot
dot -Tsvg -O t.dot # will produce one svg for every graph

Kown issues

  • Due to lack of time, overall code quality went down a notch. Sorry.
  • Insufficient error checking during TAC construction.
  • No unit tests for TAC and ASM because time. sorry. For the latter (and now the former), integration tests are close to good enough though.


  • Floats are returned in %eax instead of the FPU. We did this so we can treat everything the same to save time, and adapted read_float accordingly: it returns the float as a long without converting it. This is our only deviation from the cdecl calling convention.