
This is a spring-boot-ObjectStore-sdk based spring-boot 1.0.2 and aws-java-sdk 1.11.116.

You need to read the below details before you want to use it.


  • You should have an account on AWS.
  • you should have the service about S3.
  • basic Java development experiment.

Getting Started

install the sdk

1.download the source

2.compile it to the jar

the interface about SDK

  • the operation on object
  * ClassName: IObjectService
  * Description: the operation about BucketService
  * @author clayclayclay
  * @date Apr 13, 2017 5:45:03 PM
public interface IObjectService

    public String putObject(InputStream in, String fileName, String id);
    public List<String> putObject(MultipartRequest request, String id);
    public void downloadObject(String keyName, HttpServletResponse response);
    public ObjectContent getObject(String keyName);
    public List<ObjectContent> getSpecifyObjects(List<String> keyNameList);
    public List<ObjectContent> getAllObjects(String id);
    public List<String> getAllObjectsKey();
    public boolean deleteObject(String keyName);
    public String getContentType(String keyName);
    public Map<String, Object> getRawMetedata(String keyName);
    public Map<String, String> getUserMetedata(String keyName);
  • the operation on bucket
  * ClassName: IBucketService
  * Description: the operation about BucketService
  * @author clayclayclay
  * @date Apr 13, 2017 5:42:32 PM

public interface IBucketService

    public boolean createBucket(String bucketName);
    public boolean cleanBucket(String bucketName);
    public boolean deleteBucket(String bucketName);
    public List<String> getBuckets();

some details about Interface

  • putObject method
  • getObject method

the method :putObject:

public String putObject(InputStream in, String fileName, String id);

object's inputStream, fileName, the operation id


the object's keyName

the method :putObject:

 public List<String> putObject(MultipartRequest request, String id);

request,The MultipartRequest type (from Web front) , the operation id


the object's name list.

the method:

public ObjectContent getObject(String keyName);

the object's key


the ObjectContent instance.

The ObjectContent contains three fields:

    private String fileName;
    private InputStream inputStream;
    private String createUser;

So, once you get an ObjectContent instance, you can get the fileName , the Object's inputStream and the user.