
[inactive] A game chooser system

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A game chooser system

**NOTE:**The application is currently going through a transition to new technologies and a better setup. This includes transitioning to use Waterline instead of Mongoose and to use Redux instead of minimal-flux. I'm branching what is currently on master over to a branch called semi-stable. Feel free to use it if you want something that is somewhat working.

Build Status Test Coverage Code Climate Dependencies js-semistandard-style Commitizen friendly

Thanks for stopping by 😄 ! This is a system where when connected with the proper api can help you select a game to play. It's main purpose is to help Instructure's tabletop group decide what game will be played in our daily games at lunch.

It uses Express to provide a server as well as a RESTful API through which all frontend actions take place.

To get started you need to have MongoDB installed, then simply running

npm install

from the repository's main directory will install all the dependencies.

There are a few scripts found within the bin/ directory. These are helpful for running things. They are accessible easily through npm run.

npm start - starts the server
npm test - runs all the tests
npm run compile - will compile all the JSX for the client side.
npm run coverage - runs the tests and outputs test coverage information

Something else that might come in handy is directly running bin/clientdev which does almost the same as npm run compile however it will watch for changes and recompile on the fly. It also does not do any optimization to the output.

Slack Reporting

Inside the bin/ directory one of the scripts is postWinningVote this is ideal to put on a scheduler so that you can announce in a slack channel what the winning vote on a given day is. I use Heroku Scheduler to perform this each day just before our groups lunch game time. All settings are configured via environment variables or through settings in the node-config files described below.


You can contribute by filing issues because obviously there are many. I'm also super open to pull requests if you think you can solve a problem, I'll try and respond to those quickly. Just make sure you include the appropriate details in commit messages.

If you are adding something that can be configured, we use node-config for configuation. If the configuration setting is not sensitive, such as a simple boolean value, please add it directly to config/default.json. If the data is sensitive, please add it to your own config/local.json so that it doesn't end up in the repository. Ideally, you can provide a example bit of data in the config/default.json so that further work on that particular feature can be jump started with an example. Regardless, all config variables should also be defined in the config/custom-environment-variables.json file so that they can be overriden with environment variables in production environments.

Pull requests should maintain a clean git history. Therefore, please do not include "line of thought" commits or merge commits. If you have things that contribute in a meaningful way, feel free to leave them. The best rule of thumb to follow however is to squash all your commits to one commit and include a detailed commit message.