Using Bazel Demo

This is a demonstration project for showing Bazel in use for a monorepo-type application setup.

Note: This is just an example of how Bazel might be used, the specific details of the project are mostly irrevelant and should not be considered best practices or any like it.

It is primarily divided into 5 main packages.

  1. Data - Contains all the interactions with the database
  2. Frontend - Contains a React app for simple chore management
  3. Schema - Contains protobuf definitions and code generation for the API
  4. Server - Contains an Express server that hosts everything


The best way to get started is to install bazelisk. Instructions are provided at

For macOS, brew intall bazelisk is probably your best bet, but also it's available through npm via npm install -g @bazel/bazelisk

Bazelisk will determine the version needed for any given Bazel project, download it, and then use.

This project also uses a Postgres database. You'll need to have one of those running and provide an .env file with the details in the root. Running cp env.example .env and making the appropriate modifications should work well.

Running Things

bazel run //server will build and run everything