Internal Cumbustion Engine

Things i need to model:

Piston Piston Rod Crankshaft/Cranks (and its connection points to piston rods?) Camshaft/cams Intake / Exhaust valves Valve Cams (how are these driven) Sparkplug Fuel/Air/Fuel Injector Combustion Compression

Stroke Phases:

• Intake/Induction/Suction • Compression • Power/Working • Exhaust

Later: Flywheel Gearbox

Ratio of Crank to Camshaft is 2:1 -- takes 2 revolutions of camshaft for 1 revolution of camshaft Takes 2 Crank counterweights provides momentum

Combustion Pressure measured in bars (e.g. 180 bar)

Firing Order

Stroke 1:

Piston 1: Intake: 270° Exhaust: 180°: Intake (1) Piston 2: Intake: 180° Exhaust: 90°: Compression (2) Piston 3: Intake: 90° Exhaust: 0° Exhaust (4) Piston 4: Intake: 0° Exhaust: 270° Power (3)

Stroke 2:

Piston 1: Intake: 180° Exhaust: 90°: Compression (2) Piston 2: Intake:0° Exhaust: 270° Power (3) Piston 3: Intake: 270° Exhaust: 180° Intake (1) Piston 4: Intake: 90° Exhaust: 0° Exhaust (4)

Stroke 3:

Piston 1: Intake: 0° Exhaust: 270° Power (3) Piston 2: Intake: 90° Exhaust: 0° Exhaust (4) Piston 3: Intake: 180° Exhaust: 90°: Compression (2) Piston 4: Intake: 270° Exhaust: 180° Intake (1)

Stroke 4:

Piston 1: Intake: 90° Exhaust: 0° Exhaust (4) Piston 2: Intake: 270° Exhaust: 280° Intake (1) Piston 3: Intake: 0° Exhaust: 270° Power (3) Piston 4: Intake: 180° Exhaust: 90°: Compression (2)

Intake Camshaft: 270 (down), 180, 90, 0 Exhaust Camshaft: 180 (down), 90, 0, 270


Crankshaft Crank Sprocket Flywheel Timing Belt Intake Camshaft Cams 1-4 Exhaust Camshaft Cams 1-4 Sparkplugs 1-4 Rod Bearings Piston Rod Piston Intake Valve Exhaust Valve Intake Manifold Exhaust Manifold

Piston Piston Rod Crankshaft/Cranks (and its connection points to piston rods?) Camshaft/cams Intake / Exhaust valves Valve Cams (how are these driven) Sparkplug Fuel/Air/Fuel Injector Combustion Compression