
Micro framework Rumba written in Lua language for web development faster and light sites or CMS that are hosted on Apache (with mod_lua module)

Primary LanguageLua


A Lua MVP web micro-framework.


  • Runs over Apache2 (with mod_lua)
  • MVP structure
  • Basic routing
  • Object oriented style
  • Autoloading 'classes'
  • Dependency Injection (DI)
  • Ability to use precompiled files for acceleration


  • Copy and unpack for hosting distribution
  • Edit the line: app.local_path_left = "htdocs" in the file 'index.lua'
  • In the configuration file in "httpd.conf" in DirectoryIndex section add index.lua and uncomment the line "LoadModule lua_module modules/mod_lua.so"

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