
Cache for clang-tidy static analysis results

Primary LanguagePythonBoost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

Cache for clang-tidy static analysis results


clang-tidy-cache is a command-line application which "wraps" invocations of the clang-tidy static analysis tool and caches the results of successful runs of clang-tidy. On subsequent invocations of clang-tidy on an unchanged translation unit, the result is retrieved from the cache and clang-tidy is not executed. For most C/C++ projects this allows to have static analysis checks enabled without paying the cost of excessive build times when re-checking the same unchanged source code.

How it works

clang-tidy-cache scans the command-line arguments passed to clang-tidy, relevant clang-tidy configuration files, all source files being analyzed and makes a hash uniquely identifying the invocation of clang-tidy.

Then it searches if its database contains that hash. If it does, clang-tidy-cache returns immediately without invoking clang-tidy, otherwise clang-tidy is executed and if it finishes without error, the hash is stored in the database.

Local mode

clang-tidy-cache by default works as a standalone application and it stores its hash database in a directory on the local file system. The location is determined by the CTCACHE_DIR environment variable, by default it is a sub-tree in the temporary directory. This means that the cache may be cleared on reboot. If you want the cache to be persistent you need to specify a path to a disk-backed file system directory.

Client/server mode

clang-tidy-cache can also work in client/server mode where a dedicated HTTP server (the clang-tidy-cache-server executable) can be used to store and retrieve the cached hashes. This mode is enabled by setting the CTCACHE_HOST (localhost by default) and optionally CTCACHE_PORT (5000 by default) environment variables.


The client

The most convenient way how to use clang-tidy-cache is to create a wrapper shell script called clang-tidy in a directory which is listed in the executable search path list, before the directory where the real clang-tidy executable is located (on POSIX systems for example in /opt/bin),

The wrapper script typically contains something along these lines:

/path/to/clang-tidy-cache "${REAL_CT}" "${@}"

You can also use the prepared wrapper script from the repository and adapt it to your needs.

Make sure to set write permissions properly to prevent tampering by unauthorized users!

Running the server

The cache HTTP server can simply be run by executing clang-tidy-cache-server. The server stores the hash database by default in the .cache/ subdirectory of the home directory of the user under whose account it is executed. This can be changed by a command-line option.

Invoke clang-tidy-cache-server with the --help argument to see all available command-line options.

As systemd service

The systemd/ sub-directory also contains service file(s) that can be used to run the server as a systemd service (for example on a RPi on the local network).

In a docker container

The server can also be run in a Docker container. The provided Dockerfile can be used to build the docker image.

docker build -t ctcache .

The CTCACHE_PORT docker environment variable can be used to set the server port number.

docker run -e CTCACHE_PORT=5000 -p "80:5000" -it --rm --name ctcache ctcache

In order to make the saved cache data persistent in Docker, you can create a volume and map it to the /var/lib/ctcache directory:

docker volume create ctcache
docker run -p "80:5000" -v "ctcache:/var/lib/ctcache" -it --rm --name ctcache ctcache

Environment variables

The client and server can be configured by setting the following environment variables:

variable client server description
CTCACHE_CLANG_TIDY path to the clang-tidy executable
CTCACHE_DISABLE disables cache, always runs clang-tidy
CTCACHE_SKIP disables analysis altogether, returns OK
CTCACHE_STRIP list of strings stripped from inputs
CTCACHE_DUMP dumps all hash inputs into a file
CTCACHE_DIR the cache storage directory in local mode
CTCACHE_HOST hostname or IP address of the server
CTCACHE_PORT listening port of the server
CTCACHE_WEBROOT directory containin static server files

The dashboard

The clang tidy cache's HTTP server also serves a couple of web pages that are designed to be viewed in a browser. The main one is the dashboard that can be accessed by visiting / or /static/index.html at the server's site. For example if the server host name is localhost and port is 5000 then the dashboard can be visited by typing http://localhost:5000/ into the browser's address bar.

the dashboard

It displays basic information about the cache, like cache hit rate, number of cached hashes, uptime, etc. and some charts providing information about the current state of the server.

See also

There is a presentation describing the motivation, implementation, deployment and configuration options, and some performance measurements in the doc subdirectory.