
A description and set of tools for slaying Atlassian Dragons on Mac OS X

Slaying Atlassian Dragons with OS X

Dragon Green
Dragon courtesy of Mark Campo

This repository came out of my frustration with Atlassian's stance on Mac OS X. Each of their products supports Mac OS X installation, yet OS X get snubbed in their grand "Dragon Slaying" installation tutorial.

I set out to install this stuff on my OS X server, and realized as I was going that I was doing some stuff that I was going to forget if I didn't write it down. So, here's what I wrote down.

Your mileage may vary. This worked for me (more or less) in April-May 2011. I'm not on the Atlassian documentation payroll, so I'm not currently planning to keep this document super-up-to-date, but feel free to submit edits.

--Clay Loveless
May 16, 2011

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PS: Find this useful? Share it!

PPS: Want someone to do this for you? Ping me, I might be available to set it up for you.