
self custody with python and bitcoinlib

Primary LanguagePython

CLI scripts for bitcoin

Self custody for bitcoin doesn't require a hardware wallet, really you can do anything that a hardware wallet gives you with some basic pythonic skills and a laptop.

NOTE: The bincoinlib library uses a local wallet database to relate the wallet name to the key that it stores locally. This implementation requires you to specify a password for db encryption, when that is given using the ENV_VAR DB_PASSWORD a database file called bcl_encrypted.db is saved in the progeam directory. It is also possible to configure other encryption. To do so refer to https://bitcoinlib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/_static/manuals.sqlcipher.html

delete the wallet database

rm -rvf ~/.bitcoinlib

create wallet

Generate a new wallet and store the mnemonic in a safe place. BTC_NETWORK=bitcoin python createwallet.py py_wallet_1 12


Check the balance of a wallet BTC_NETWORK=bitcoin python balance.py py_wallet_2

restore wallet

Restore a wallet from a mnemonic BTC_NETWORK=bitcoin python restorewallet.py py_wallet_2 exhaust analyst liar seat access flat tunnel december army speed foam route wrist guess behind vacant output orient bless cradle garment corn limb plug


Send some coin to an address BTC_NETWORK=bitcoin python sendcoin.py bc1qd7w9zsrmgf8sgqpunntdyaca99yk5hqd3vdrwx 0.0001 py_wallet_2 fast

get wallet address

BTC_NETWORK=bitcoin python getaddr.py py_wallet_2

encrypt the database

-rw-r--r-- 1 clay clay 139264 Mar 10 01:01 bcl.db DB_PASSWORD=soopersecret python encryptdb.py

decrypt the database

DB_PASSWORD=soopersecret python decryptdb.py

list wallets

clw --database bcl.db
Command Line Wallet - BitcoinLib 0.6.14

BitcoinLib wallets:
[1] py_wallet_2 (bitcoin) 
[2] py_wallet_3 (bitcoin)