Version: 1.05 (alpha)
This Emacs configuration file allows you to interact with FoxDot ( for live coding patterns.
Inspiration: tidal.el (from TidalCycles project), hsc3.el (form hsc3 project) and foxdot-mode.
SuperCollider, python with FoxDot library. You will need too python package for Emacs; this comes with your Emacs distribution.
We assume that you are working in Linux.
- If you have not doen it, install FoxDot python library. From a shell command line do:
$ pip install FoxDot
- Install Emacs FoxDot mode.
Clone the foxdot-mode project from git in some directory like "~/.emacs.d" or any directory in "load-path" list. For example, from the command line, you can create a directory like "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/" (mkdir ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp), move to that directory (cd ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp), and clone the repository:
$ git clone
In your "~/.emacs" initialization file, add the following lines:
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "site-lisp/foxdot-mode" "~/.emacs.d")) (require 'foxdot-mode)
Where «(expand-file-name "site-lisp/foxdot-mode" "~/.emacs.d")» evaluates to «/home/user/.emacs.d/site-lisp/foxdot-mode».
Evaluate those lines or restart Emacs.
- Install the SuperCollider FoxDot quark.
Assuming that you have installed SuperCollider, from Emacs do:
Alt-x install-foxdot-quark ENTER
This search for sclang and, if it is in your PATH, run it in a Emacs buffer. Then, if you are in line, will install FoxDot quark, recompile the SuperCollider class library and start the FoxDot quark for you. You must hear a simple sound. If you don't hear it, do:
Alt+x test-sc3 ENTER
If you don't hear it, there is a problem with SuperCollider or your audio system.
- Start foxdot.
If you hearded the sound, you can continue.
Open a file with .foxdot extension. Type "Control c Control s" (foxdot-sc3-foxdot-start), or:
Alt+x foxdot ENTER
This run sclang and FoxDot process buffers. Wait and you will see three horizontal windows: the .foxdot file (your workspace), the *FoxDot* and the *SC3:SCLang* buffers.
SuperCollider is now listening for messages from FoxDot.
- Enjoy now. Play with some codes.
For example, type in your workspace:
p1 >> pluck([12], dur=0.25, echo=0.8)
With the cursor over the line type C-c C-c.
Do C-c C-u to stop the sounds.
If you want FoxDot launch when you open "myfile.foxdot", add the following lines to ~/.emacs:
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.foxdot)?$" . foxdot-mode))
(add-hook 'foxdot-mode-hook 'foxdot)
If you do this, don't need use
Alt-x foxdot ENTER
to start FoxDot. The sclang and FoxDot interpreter will launch when you open a .foxdot file. If you have problem with foxdot-sc3-mode and want use an external instance of sclang or scsynth, do:
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.foxdot)?$" . foxdot-mode))
(add-hook 'foxdot-mode-hook 'foxdot-start-foxdot)
I have cloned the foxdot-mode repository in "~/.emacs/site-lisp" path and added these lines to my ~/.emacs file:
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "site-lisp/foxdot-mode" user-emacs-directory))
(require 'foxdot-mode)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.foxdot)?$" . foxdot-mode))
(add-hook 'foxdot-mode-hook 'foxdot\)
Now, when I open a .foxdot file in Emacs, start FoxDot, creates a *FoxDot* process and I can write and evaluate my livecoding lines, seting the cursor over the line that I want execute and using the folowing keys:
C-c C-c (foxdot-run-line). Send a line to the interpreter
C-c C-g (foxdot-run-line-and-go). Send a line to the interpreter and advance the cursor to the next non blank line.
C-c b (foxdot-run-block). Send the block where is the cursor to the interpreter.
C-c C-b (foxdot-run-block-and-go). Send the current block to the interpreter and advance to the next non blank line.
C-c n (foxdot-run-block-by-lines). Send a block line by line.
C-c o (foxdot-run-block-by-lines-and-go). Send a block line by line and go to next non empty line.
You can start sclang and foxdot interpreters with:
C-c C-s (foxdot-sc3-foxdot-start)
To quit sclang and foxdot: Alt+x kill-foxdot ENTER, or:
C-c C-k (foxdot-sc3-foxdot-quit)
Is possible interactively work with the sclang buffer, from a .sc3 or .foxdot buffer. Use the following kays:
C-z C-c (sc3-run-line). Send a line to sclang
C-z C-g (sc3-run-line-and-go). Send a line to sclang and advance the cursor to the next non blank line.
C-z b (sc3-run-block). Send the block where is the cursor to sclang.
C-z C-b (sc3-run-block-and-go). Send the current block to sclang and advance to the next non blank line.
C-z C-u (sc3-hush). Mute sclang.
Other intesting keys:
C-c s (foxdot-sc3-start). Run sclang only.
C-c k (foxdot-sc3-kill). Kill sclang only.
C-c f (foxdot-start-foxdot). Run python foxdot only.
C-c q (foxdot-kill-foxdot). Kill python foxdot only.
foxdot-mode can show three layouts:
C-c w (foxdot-set-sc3-layout). Three vertical windows: workspace, foxdot and sclang.
C-c C-w (foxdot-set-foxdot-layout). Two windows: workspace and foxdot.
C-c 3 (foxdot-sc3-foxdot-layout). Two windows: workspace and sclang.
This code is in alpha state, is not very tested (December, 2021).
Thanks to Jean Argenty from TOPLAB for its ideas and help testing this codes.