Satellite derived Chlorophyll data visualization


This is a R Shiny application that has been developed to visualize satellite derived chlorophyll data for the pre-defined boxes for each dfo region involved in the atlantic zone monitoring program. The focus of this app is to test out various bloom fitting methods.

How to use :

Standalone (i.e. local shiny server)

  1. Install R and RStudio

  2. Download the Shiny app code from this repository, either through direct download, using Github Desktop, or by typing:

$ git clone

in a terminal.

The latter is recommended, as then updating the app can be done with a simple git pull command or by pulling changes in Github Desktop.

  1. Open the file app.R in RStudio. You will need to install several packages (as listed at the top of app.R). To do this run the following in the R console (copy/paste):
install.packages(c('shiny','shinyWidgets','oce','ocedata', 'quantreg'))
  1. After installing all the required packages, run the app by clicking "Run App" at the top of the code editor.

  2. Once the app is running, select the satellite, region, box, and year from the pull down menus, and click 'Run' to load the data for those defined variables. The user can then play with methods to clean up the data and various methods to infer spring bloom parameters.

Information on other included files

00_regionBoxes.R - definition of all satellite boxes used for each region, note that Labrador Sea is also included here and as its own region. Depreciated boxes have also been included in this file, but are not appended to the region lists