This is my learning repo for C++. A long time ago I learned just the basics of C++ while I was still learning the basics of Java and OOP. Though self taught, since then I've leaned a lot of other programming langages (Ruby, Python, Rust, Go) and even more about programming in general. I still will not say I am the best, but the best is not needed to logically think about a problem and come up with a simple solution.
For me, this revisit to C++ was inspired by Rust and Web Assembly. It was also inspired by the Gang of 4 Book, and my desire to dive deeply into LLVM, clang, IR, makefiles, and other tools. My ultimate goal is to design a new programming language that is both usable by the developer community and easy to learn for students and those just getting into programming. I've also updated this repo to model it after the chapters and sections from Bjarne Stroustrup's second edition C++ book A Tour of C++ - Addison-Wesley, ISBN 978-0-13-499783-4. I may stray a bit from the examples to make them my own.
This all is driven by my desire to make smooth the road that I have travelled for those who will come after me. With this being the start of a new decade, I feel a new way of looking at things is needed. Thats not to say I have all of the answers or understand the gravity of whatever is created from my efforts, but I have invested a lot of time reinventing myself for the journey. So if I say, do or write something that seems crazy at first, bare with me and be patient so those happy accidents of the future can happen or at least we will leave a little room for divine intervention.
Wish me luck and remember, we all are WIP.
Clayton Barnette