
Tired of those Reddit text-to-speech videos on Youtube? Now you can make your own!

Primary LanguagePython


Tired of those Reddit text-to-speech videos on Youtube? Now you can make your own, automatically!

Official Auddit Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMi63vc1Timv8dfrmcrrdFQ




sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Then add the following environnement variables:


Read about how to create a Reddit application to get those.

You also need to register an application on the Google OAuthv2 API. Here's a guide. You need to put the resulting client_secrets.json in the root of the project.


python src/main.py


All tests:

python -m unittest

Single test:

python -m unittest test/test_reddit.py

How it works

Using the Python Reddit API Wrapper, we can query for hot posts from any subreddit.

Then we pipe the text to the text-to-speech task, that generates an audio file using either ttsmp3.com or the Google TTS Python Wrapper. We prefer ttsmp3.com for the quality of the voices and use gTTS as a fallback if we get rate-limited.

Then, we send the text and the audio to the video generation tasks, which uses PyMovie to make a video with background music, the text-to-speech clips and the text.

Then we generate a thumbnail with the goal of clickbaiting the viewers with Pillow.

All that is left is to upload to Youtube using the Google API.


because i can