
Pentadactyl color schemes based on solarized

MIT LicenseMIT

Pentadactyl Solarized Theme

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/claytron/pentadactyl-solarized

This is a color scheme for the incredible Pentadactyl add-on for Firefox. It uses the color palette Solarized, designed by Ethan Schoonover.

This color scheme aims to be one of the most complete color schemes available. Even the help has been styled!

If you have a suggestion or find any bugs with the current implementation, please enter an issue in the tracker:


See the Changelog for a detailed list of changes in each release.

If you appreciate the work done on this colorscheme, you could buy me a :beer: via Gittip 😃


All works in this repository are licensed under a version of the MIT License available for reference here: https://github.com/claytron/pentadactyl-solarized/blob/master/LICENSE

Let all the bits be free, forever.


To install this color scheme, copy it into your ~/.pentadactyl/colors folder, creating it if it doesn't exist:

$ mkdir -p ~/.pentadactyl/colors
$ cp solarized-*.penta ~/.pentadactyl/colors/.

Then change your default theme by adding the following to your ~/.pentadactylrc

colorscheme solarized-light

Or if you prefer the dark version

colorscheme solarized-dark

Then re-source your .pentadactylrc, or restart your browser to see the changes go into effect.

:source ~/.pentadactylrc


Statusline Normal

Statusline Normal

Statusline Normal dark

Statusline Secure

Statusline Secure

Statusline Secure dark

Statusline Extended

Statusline Extended

Statusline Extended dark

Statusline Broken

Statusline Broken

Statusline Broken dark



Hints dark



Completions dark



Buffers dark



Help dark


2.0 (2015-03-28)

  • Now licensed under an MIT license. Long live open source. [claytron]

1.0.3 (2015-02-06)

  • Remove hi clear so that spawning a new window does not take forever. This fixes #18.

1.0.2 (2013-05-28)

  • Fix contrast in cmd line input vs suggestion

1.0.1 (2012-12-20)

  • Add a LICENSE
  • Fix issue when guioptions has the c flag set

1.0 (2012-11-09)

  • Update docs
  • Tag a 1.0 version as things seem stable

1.0b2 (2012-10-02)

  • Dark theme implemented
  • Screenshots for dark theme added to README
  • Fixed issue with HelpType not getting the color set correctly

1.0b1 (2012-10-02)

  • Added this changelog
  • Finalized the light theme
  • Made sure that every color in :highlight is using the Solarized palette
  • Change buttons on the :downloads dialog so that they are more readable
  • Added HelpXML* styles so that code blocks match Solarized in the help
  • Links in the :help section are now a Solarized color, but no visited state will appear
  • Finished out all the styles for the help section

1.0a2 (2012-09-29)

  • Fix :downloads screen so that LinkInfo is readable

1.0a1 (2012-09-29)

  • Initial release of the light theme
  • Added README and screenshots

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