
structure as a git submodule

Closed this issue · 12 comments

The current structure of the project made it uneasy (for me) to pull it as as working .git submodule of my .pentadactyl main repo. The issue is that the *.penta files are not copied in the main color subdir, so are not found at startup. I tried to modify the runtimepath variable, with no effect. Is there an easy way ? I have just symlink the files, this works, but is not very elegant.

What would the structure have to look like for this to work?

I am not sure. For comparison I just pulled
git:// in my
.pentadactyl/plugins directory and it worked out of the box.
For some reason if I do the same with
in .pentadactyl/colors, it doesn't work.

The difference is that the tab-groups-manager plugin .js file is at the root, where I've put the .penta files into a sub-directory.

I've not used git submodules much, how does this work with multiple plugins? If they all had a like mine, wouldn't there be some sort of conflict?

@choufleur do you mean you're doing git submodule add git:// colors/ ? If so then you're doing it wrong. I would advise you do something along the lines of: git submodule add git:// colors/solarized ; cd .pentadactyl/colors/ ; ln -s solarized/colors/* ./

That will create symbolic links to the colorschemes. Also if you're making submodules for other plugins, you'll have trouble when you want to use more than one. Someone should probably make a pathogen/vundle equivalent for pentadactyl.

Thanks. I first did it "wrong" and then "right", as I mentioned in my initial message. I was in fact wondering if a solution better that symlinking does exist. I think you are right about the need of a pathogen for pentadactyl. My issue, tough, is not related to the use of multiple submodules, it already occurs if you want to install pentadactyl-solarized as a submodule, even if no other submodule does exist.

Are you doing it from the root of your git repository, i.e., if your structure looks like this:


You're at $HOME/.pentadactyl/. I assume you are, but that has caught me more than once.

Yes, I was at the root, this is not the issue I think. Thanks for your help anyway.

Yeah, sorry, just trying to cover all bases. I'll try it out myself.

I've not had a chance to try this out at all. Did you have any luck @sigmavirus24 ?

@claytron : this works fine by symlinking as described above, so you can close this issue, if you want. In fact it is more pentadactyl related.

Closing this. We will wait patiently for someone to implement pathogen for Pentadactyl. 😜

Sorry, I never did try and was without power from a week ago until last evening. But yeah @choufleur is correct. Symlinking works fine.