
completion colors contrast on dark theme

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The completion text (i.e. URL on :open) on the dark theme does not look as good
as the light one because its hard to tell the difference from typed and
completion text.

Can you post a screenshot? Here is what I see in my clean Firefox profile:


Sure. I also wasn't clear enough at my description. I meant the color of text completed on the status line prompt not the completion list (menu).

On the pictures, I typed ':open fe' but see how the suggested completion text 'dex' is not very different from the actually typed text on the dark theme, but shows a good distinction on the light:

captura de tela de 2013-05-28 15 54 54
captura de tela de 2013-05-28 16 06 45

Ah, gotcha. I'll take a look when I get a chance.

Great, thanks.

Contrast should be better now:
