- Animation bugfix
- Arc movement now is a default
- Remove inventory from the cursor
- Arc Movement for ammo source and ammo holder
- Arc Movement class for nice ammo interactions
- Ammo thrower (throws an ammo over 1 tile)
- Fire Ammo (fire buff)
- Fire Ammo (first iteration)
- Testing polygon
- Joystick controlls
- Debug UI (constants change)
- Debug UI (first iteration)
- Gameplay changes:
- Belts are free
- Upkeep bounty reduction
- Balance changes
- Global config
- Creatures have level
- Incrementing price of buildings
- Speading up mines while holding cursor over them
- Balance changes
- Autoplacing towers (slight random)
- Inventory UI
- Add rocks
- First balance changes
- Monsters spawning in batches
- Autoplace buildings (first iteration)
- Improve rotations
- First pixel art by hand :D
- Cursor Interactive system
- Unlockable mining spots
- Fix for belts
- Victory condition
- Building UI
- End Portal
- Storage building
- AmmoPuller building
- CursorInventory refactor
- Improved belt building system
- Refactor of building system
- Now there are some no-building areas
- Preserve rotation when building multiple belts
- Buff system
- Poison buff
- Poison ammo (visual only)
- Ammo is responsible for damage now
- Massive refactor
- z-indexes fixed
- Migration to godot 4
- Bomb tower
- Add bombs and explosions
- Refactor Towers
- Change mechanics of holding ammo
- Economy
- Building Prices
- Visible collection areas for Towers
- Alert UI
- Money UI
- Enemies drop money on death
- Different type of ammo
- Towers can understand what they shoot with
- Building system (everything is for free)
- Introduce belts, they can carry ammo
- Ammo will dissapear after staying still for 3 sec
- Cursor now follow keyboard and joystick
- StateMachine pattern
- Cursor now can hold and release ammo
- Towers can fetch ammo
- Towers shoot only when ammo > 0
- Skeletons are spawning constantly
- Add source of ammo and ammo
- Tower can shoot projectiles
- AliveCreature
- Tower can kill Skeletons
- Skeletons have a health bar
- In-game cursor
- Tilemaps for water, grass and ground
- Skeletons can move following path
- Animation of Skeletons