
Repository for demostrating how to enable tracing in a Spring Boot microservice.

Primary LanguageJava


Repository for demostrating how to enable tracing in a Spring Boot microservice.

The /api/foo request executes the following layers:

@Controller (with a random delay) -> @Service (with a random delay) -> @Repository (with a select all query)

  • Configuration via Environment Variables:
    • DB_HOST: PostgreSQL host url
    • DB_PORT: PostgreSQL port
    • DB_NAME: PostgreSQL database for catalog
    • DB_USER: PostgreSQL user name
    • DB_PASS: PostgreSQL user password

Run locally

# Start environment (Postgres and Jaeger)
docker-compose up -d

# Once the everything is running, start application using Maven
mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="-DDB_HOST=localhost -DDB_PORT=5432 -DDB_NAME=foo-db -DDB_USER=develop -DDB_PASS=develop -Dspring.profiles.active=local"

# Validate
curl localhost:8080/api/foo | jq
# or
curl localhost:8080/actuator/health

To review the jaeger traces go to -> http://localhost:16686/ and open 'distributed-tracing-demo' service.

This is an example of an execution:


Run in OpenShift


  • Openshift cluster

  • 'oc' tool

  • Install distributed tracing components:

    • Eslasticsearch operator
    • OpenShift distributed tracing platform operator
    • OpenShift distributed tracing data collection operator
    • Jaeger stack

    !!! Use this repository to automatically install all components.


Create application namespace and deploy a postgres instance:

# Create project
oc new-project app-tracing-demo

# Postgresql
oc new-app postgresql-persistent \
  --param DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME=foo-db \
  --param POSTGRESQL_USER=user \
  --param POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=pass \
  --param POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=foo-db \
  -n app-tracing-demo

Simple version

!!! Remove other installed version in this namespace

# Deploy
oc apply -k deploy/overlays/simple -n app-tracing-demo

# Wait until build finish
oc logs -f bc/foo-app -n app-tracing-demo

# Delete
oc delete -k deploy/overlays/simple -n app-tracing-demo

Sidecar version

!!! Remove other installed version in this namespace

# Deploy
oc apply -k deploy/overlays/sidecar -n app-tracing-demo

# Wait until build finish
oc logs -f bc/foo-app -n app-tracing-demo

# Delete
oc delete -k deploy/overlays/sidecar -n app-tracing-demo

See 'Review Traces' section to test deployment

Review Traces

  • Execute a request:
    FOO_URL=$(oc get route foo-app -o template --template='{{.spec.host}}' -n app-tracing-demo)
    curl http://${FOO_URL}/api/foo | jq
  • Review traces in jagger:
    # Get URL
    oc get route simple-prod -o template --template='{{.spec.host}}' -n tracing-system