
R package containing modules for an easier Shiny Apps development

Primary LanguageR

1 Description

This library aims to provide R shiny apps developers of the Institut Curie with different modules witch can be used as bricks to build bigger shiny apps.

2 Installation

  • Download and unzip the source code
  • Create an empty app project directory and copy renv.lock into it
  • Then run the following command :

This should install the library dependancies.

  • Finally install the library
install.packages("path_to_bioshiny_module_library_folder/", type = "source", repos = NULL)

3 Call a module

To do so you have to call two functions, one in the server and the second in the UI part.

3.1 Server Part

In the CallModule function you stipulate the library module that you want to call (typically called ModuleNameServer), and an id for this specific call.

  server <- function(input, output, session) {
    PCA <- callModule(module = DrawPCAServer2,id = "PCA1",
                     matrix = counts ,
                      metadata = metadata)

NB : Some of the modules accept arguments of type reactiveValues. Description of the arguments are provided in the ModuleNameServer functions’ help sections. This wad different modules can communicates and share data objects.

3.2 UI part

In the UI call the corresponding ModuleName UI function, with the matching id.

ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "PCA Module Test"),

4 Modules List

The current available modules can be test executing the whole code in the corresponding run_dev_ModuleNameModule.R file in the

5 Contact

If you have any question, suggestions or bug reports please contact pierre.gestraud@curie.fr and clement.benoit@curie.fr