
Official React component for Tippy.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React component for Tippy.js 4.


npm i @tippy.js/react

CDN: https://unpkg.com/@tippy.js/react

Requires React 16.8+, prop-types, and tippy.js if using via CDN.


Required props: tooltip content as props.content and a single element child (reference) as props.children.

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import Tippy from '@tippy.js/react'

const RegularTooltip = () => (
  <Tippy content="Hello">
    <button>My button</button>

const TooltipWithJSX = () => (
  <Tippy content={<span>Tooltip</span>}>
    <button>My button</button>

const TooltipWithProps = () => (
  <Tippy content="Hi" arrow={true} duration={500} delay={[100, 50]}>
    <button>My button</button>

const App = () => (
    <RegularTooltip />
    <TooltipWithJSX />
    <TooltipWithProps />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))

Native props

See the Tippy.js docs

React-specific props

isEnabled?: boolean

Prop to control the tippy.enable() / tippy.disable() instance methods. Use this when you want to temporarily disable a tippy from showing.

function App() {
  const [isEnabled, setIsEnabled] = useState(true)
  return (
    <Tippy content="test" isEnabled={isEnabled}>
      <button />

isVisible?: boolean

Prop to control the tippy.show() / tippy.hide() instance methods. Use this when you want to programmatically show or hide the tippy instead of relying on UI events.

function App() {
  const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(true)
  return (
    <Tippy content="test" isVisible={isVisible}>
      <button />

Note 1: You should also set the hideOnClick prop to false if you don't want the tippy to hide when the user clicks on the document somewhere.

Note 2: Use this prop instead of Tippy's native showOnInit prop. The native prop just shows the tippy on init but won't respond to prop changes.

onCreate?: (tip: Instance) => void

Callback invoked when the Tippy instance has been created. Use this when you need to store the Tippy instance on the component.

function App() {
  const tippyInstance = useRef()
  return (
      onCreate={instance => (tippyInstance.current = instance)}
      <button />

Multiple tippys on a single reference

You can nest the components, ensuring they have a multiple prop:

<Tippy placement="bottom" multiple>
  <Tippy placement="left" multiple>
    <Tippy placement="right" multiple>
      <Tippy multiple>
        <button />

<TippyGroup />

Wraps the tippy.group() method.

import Tippy, { TippyGroup } from '@tippy.js/react'

function App() {
  return (
    <TippyGroup delay={1000}>
      <Tippy content="a">
        <button />
      <Tippy content="b">
        <button />

Default props

You can create a new component file that imports the component and sets the default props. From this file, you can import the component throughout your app.

import Tippy from '@tippy.js/react'

Tippy.defaultProps = {
  arrow: true,

export default Tippy

// In another file
import Tippy from './Tippy'

As an example, you might want to distinguish between a tooltip and a popover by creating a separate component for both.

export const Tooltip = props => <Tippy {...props} />
Tooltip.defaultProps = {
  animation: 'fade',
  arrow: true,
  delay: 150,
  theme: 'translucent',

export const Popover = props => <Tippy {...props} />
Popover.defaultProps = {
  animateFill: false,
  animation: 'scale',
  interactive: true,
  interactiveBorder: 10,
  theme: 'light-border',
  trigger: 'click',

// In another file
import { Tooltip, Popover } from './Tippy'
