
Script to analyze scanned Data from Scanner Projects (like RDM or MAD) in combination with Data from OSM (Open Street Map)

Primary LanguagePython


Script to analyze scanned Data from Scanner Projects (like RDM or MAD) in combination with Data from OSM (Open Street Map)


Edit and rename the default.ini.example to default.ini

If you want to use your own config, start it with the config argument:

python analyze_nests.py -c myconfig.ini

You only need to add attributes to your custom config that needs to be changed.
It will use the default attributes from default.ini if an attribute is missing in your config.

If you have different scan areas/cities you can edit the default.ini and use the example city configs(00_city_1.ini, ...) in the custom_configs folder.
After this just start the bash script:
The script will use each config in the custom_configs folder, one after the other.
(If you use the given numeration in the filenames 00_city_foo.ini, 01_city_bar.ini, it will keep the sequence of the files.)

Config File Explanation

[Nest Config]

Variable name Description Type Default Value
TIMESPAN_SINCE_CHANGE Timespan which should be used to analyze Integer 16
MIN_POKEMON_NEST_COUNT Minimum amount a poke must be spawned in nest area Integer 10
MIN_SPAWNPOINT_NEST_COUNT Minimum amount a spawnpoint must be in nest area Integer 10
DELETE_OLD_NESTS Delete old Nests in DB Boolean True
EVENT_POKEMON Filter out event pokemon from nest analyze List []
POKESTOP_POKEMON Use also Pokemon from pokestops (ONLY USE THIS WITH RDM!) Boolean True
ANALYZE_MULTIPOLYGONS Analyze only Multipolygons
[only needed if not all Nests are scanned]
(Use an extra config for each park, to not get limited by API!)
Boolean False


Variable name Description Type Default Value
NAME Name of the Area, this will be used for OSM filename` String My_Area
POINT1_LAT Point 1 - LATITUDE of LOWER LEFT POINT of the Reactangle Area Double 0.236535
POINT1_LON Point 1 - LONGITUDE of LOWER LEFT POINT of the Reactangle Area Double 0.932723
POINT2_LAT Point 2 - LATITUDE of UPPER RIGHT POINT of the Reactangle Area Double 0.236535
POINT2_LON Point 2 - LONGITUDE of UPPER RIGHT POINT of the Reactangle Area Double 0.932723

[DB Read]

Variable name Description Type Default Value
HOST Adresse of your Database String
NAME Name of the Database String rdmdb
USER Username for Database String rdmuser
PASSWORD Password of Username for Database String my_password
PORT Port of the Database Integer 3307
CHARSET Charset of the Database String utf8mb4
TABLE_POKEMON Name of the Pokemon Table String pokemon
TABLE_POKEMON_SPAWNID Name of the Spawn id Column in pokemon table String spawn_id
TABLE_POKEMON_TIMESTAMP Name of the Timestamp Column in pokemon table String first_seen_timestamp
TABLE_POKESTOP Name of the Pokestop Table String pokestop
TABLE_SPAWNPOINT Name of the Spawnpoint Table String spawnpoint
TABLE_SPAWNPOINT_ID Name of the Spawnpoint id Column in spawnpoint table String id
TABLE_SPAWNPOINT_LAT Name of the Spawnpoint Latitude Column in spawnpoint table String lat
TABLE_SPAWNPOINT_LON Name of the Spawnpoint Longitude Column in spawnpoint table String lon
USE_UNIX_TIMESTAMP Use Unix Timestamp in SQL Queries
(only needed with MAD)
Boolean False

[DB Write]

Variable name Description Type Default Value
HOST Adresse of your Database String
NAME Name of the Database String rdmdb
USER Username for Database String rdmuser
PASSWORD Password of Username for Database String my_password
PORT Port of the Database Integer 3307
CHARSET Charset of the Database String utf8mb4
TABLE_NESTS Name of the Nest Table String nests


Variable name Description Type Default Value
SAVE_PATH Filepath on which the geojson file should be saved String /var/www/nest.json
GEOJSON_EXTEND False => Overwrite existend file (if there is one)
True => Extend the geojson file with the new analyzed data
(True is normally used for main city and then on the other cities it is used False, so that the one file have data from all cities)
Boolean False
DEFAULT_PARK_NAME Default Name that should be used for unknown park names String Unknown Parkname
STROKE Color of the Nest-Area-Line as Hex String #352BFF
STROKE-WIDTH Width of the Nest-Area-Line Int/Double 2
STROKE-OPACITY Opacity of the Nest-Area-Line Int/Double 1
FILL Color of the Inner-Nest-Area as Hex String #0651FF
FILL-OPACITY Opacity of the Inner-Nest-Area Int/Double 0.5


Variable name Description Type Default Value
ENABLE Enable or Disable Discord Webhook Boolean False
WEBHOOK List of links of the Webhooks that should be used String ["https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/xxxxx/xxxxxx"]
USERNAME Username the Bot uses for sending data String Nest-Bot
LANGUAGE Language for the Pokemon named (en, de, fr, jp, cz ) String en
SORT_BY For which value the list should be sorted by:
name -> Park Name
pokemon_id -> Pokedex Nr
pokemon_name -> Pokemon Name (Language specific)
pokemon_avg -> Average Sighting
String name
SORT_REVERSE For reversing the order: True False Boolean
IGNORE_UNNAMED Ignore Parks without Names Boolean True
TITLE Title which will be written before the nest list
Available Blocks: {park_name}
String **This is the Nest report for {area_name}**
TEXT Text which will be used to send to Discord
Available Blocks: {park_name}, {poke_name_g}, {poke_shiny},{poke_type},{poke_type_emoji},{poke_avg}, {g_maps}, {time}
String **{park_name_g}**: {poke_name} {poke_shiny} ({poke_type_emoji}) => {poke_avg} per hour
LOCALE_FILE Locale file which should be used (for example custom emojis) String locale.json


Variable name Description Type Default Value
ENCODING Encoding user in the script String utf-8
VERBOSE Print out additional information Boolean False
OSM_DATE Date which should be used the data from OSM
Niantic only update/sync their database 2-3 times a year, so changing this date can lead to false data
the default value is the current date niantic uses
String 2019-02-24T00:00:00Z