
Sanity.io toolkit for Next.js

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Sanity.io toolkit for Next.js.


Table of contents


npm install next-sanity @portabletext/react @sanity/image-url
yarn add next-sanity @portabletext/react @sanity/image-url
pnpm install next-sanity @portabletext/react @sanity/image-url

next-sanity/studio peer dependencies

When using npm newer than v7, or pnpm newer than v8, you should end up with needed dependencies like sanity and styled-components when you npm install next-sanity. It also works in yarn v1 using install-peerdeps:

npx install-peerdeps --yarn next-sanity

next-sanity Running groq queries

import {createClient, groq} from 'next-sanity'

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID // "pv8y60vp"
const dataset = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET // "production"
const apiVersion = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_API_VERSION // "2023-05-03"

const client = createClient({
  apiVersion, // https://www.sanity.io/docs/api-versioning
  useCdn: true, // if you're using ISR or only static generation at build time then you can set this to `false` to guarantee no stale content

const data = await client.fetch(groq`*[]`)

appDir, React Server Components and caching

As @sanity/client will only sometimes use fetch under the hood, it depends on the environment, it's best to implement the cache function to ensure reliable caching.

import {createClient, groq} from 'next-sanity'
import {cache} from 'react'

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID // "pv8y60vp"
const dataset = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET // "production"
const apiVersion = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_API_VERSION // "2023-05-03"

const client = createClient({
  apiVersion, // https://www.sanity.io/docs/api-versioning
  useCdn: true, // if you're using ISR or only static generation at build time then you can set this to `false` to guarantee no stale content

// Wrap the cache function in a way that reuses the TypeScript definitions
const clientFetch = cache(client.fetch.bind(client))

// Now use it just like before, fully deduped, cached and optimized by react
const data = await clientFetch(groq`*[]`)
// You can use the same generics as before
const total = await clientFetch<number>(groq`count*()`)

next-sanity Visual Editing with Content Source Maps


Content Source Maps are available as an API for select Sanity enterprise customers. Contact our sales team for more information.

The createClient method in next-sanity supports visual editing, it supports all the same options as @sanity/preview-kit/client. Add studioUrl to your client configuration and it'll automatically show up on Vercel Preview Deployments:

import {createClient, groq} from 'next-sanity'

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID // "pv8y60vp"
const dataset = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET // "production"
const apiVersion = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_API_VERSION // "2023-05-03"

const client = createClient({
  apiVersion, // https://www.sanity.io/docs/api-versioning
  useCdn: true, // if you're using ISR or only static generation at build time then you can set this to `false` to guarantee no stale content
  studioUrl: '/studio', // Or: 'https://my-cool-project.sanity.studio'
  encodeSourceMap: true, // Optional. Default to: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_VERCEL_ENV === 'preview',

Our setup guide walks you through how to customize the experience.

next-sanity/preview Live real-time preview

You can implement real-time client side preview using definePreview. It works by streaming the whole dataset to the browser, which it keeps updated using listeners and Mendoza patches. When it receives updates, then the query is run against the client-side datastore using groq-js. It uses @sanity/preview-kit under the hood, which can be used in frameworks other than Nextjs if it supports React 18 Suspense APIs.


When running next dev locally these examples start and exit preview mode by opening localhost:3000/api/preview and localhost:3000/api/exit-preview.

Built-in Sanity auth


  • Checks if the user is authenticated for you.
  • Pairs well with Sanity Studio preview panes.


  • Doesn't implement a login flow:
    • Requires the user to login to a Sanity Studio prior to starting Preview mode.
    • Requires your Sanity Studio to be hosted on the same origin.
  • Currently only supports cookie based auth, and not yet the dual loginMethod in Sanity Studio:
    • Safari based browsers (Desktop Safari on Macs, and all browsers on iOS) doesn't work.
    • Doesn't support incognito browser modes.


export default function preview(req, res) {
  res.writeHead(307, {Location: '/'})


export default function exit(req, res) {
  res.writeHead(307, {Location: '/'})


import groq from 'groq'

export const query = groq`count(*[])`

export function DocumentsCount({data}) {
  return (
      Documents: <strong>{data}</strong>


import {createClient} from 'next-sanity'

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID // "pv8y60vp"
const dataset = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET // "production"
const apiVersion = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_API_VERSION // "2023-05-03"

export const client = createClient({projectId, dataset, apiVersion})


import {definePreview} from 'next-sanity/preview'
import {projectId, dataset} from 'lib/sanity.client'

function onPublicAccessOnly() {
  throw new Error(`Unable to load preview as you're not logged in`)
export const usePreview = definePreview({projectId, dataset, onPublicAccessOnly})


'use client'

import {usePreview} from 'lib/sanity.preview'
import {query, DocumentsCount} from 'components/DocumentsCount'

export default function PreviewDocumentsCount() {
  const data = usePreview(null, query)
  return <DocumentsCount data={data} />
Using the /pages directory


import {PreviewSuspense} from 'next-sanity/preview'
import {lazy} from 'react'
import {DocumentsCount, query} from 'components/DocumentsCount'
import {client} from 'lib/sanity.client'

const PreviewDocumentsCount = lazy(() => import('components/PreviewDocumentsCount'))

export const getStaticProps = async ({preview = false}) => {
  if (preview) {
    return {props: {preview}}

  const data = await client.fetch(query)

  return {props: {preview, data}}

export default function IndexPage({preview, data}) {
  if (preview) {
    return (
      <PreviewSuspense fallback="Loading...">
        <PreviewDocumentsCount />

  return <DocumentsCount data={data} />
Using the /app directory (experimental)

We support the new appDir mode in Next, but please note that appDir shouldn't be used in production before Vercel says it's stable.


'use client'

// Once rollup supports 'use client' module directives then 'next-sanity' will include them and this re-export will no longer be necessary
export {PreviewSuspense as default} from 'next-sanity/preview'


import {previewData} from 'next/headers'
import PreviewSuspense from 'components/PreviewSuspense'
import {DocumentsCount, query} from 'components/DocumentsCount'
import PreviewDocumentsCount from 'components/PreviewDocumentsCount'
import {client} from 'lib/sanity.client'
import {cache} from 'react'

// Enable NextJS to cache and dedupe queries
const clientFetch = cache(client.fetch.bind(client))

export default async function IndexPage() {
  if (previewData()) {
    return (
      <PreviewSuspense fallback="Loading...">
        <PreviewDocumentsCount />

  const data = await clientFetch(query)
  return <DocumentsCount data={data} />

Custom token auth

By providing a read token (Sanity API token with viewer rights) you override the built-in auth and get more control and flexibility.


  • Allows launching previews for users without necessarily an Sanity account.
  • Hosting a Sanity Studio on the same origin is optional.
  • Can build preview experiences that start outside a Studio, like "Copy share link" functionality.
  • Works in all Safari based browsers (Desktop Safari on Macs, and all browsers on iOS).
  • Works with incognito browser modes.


  • Like all things with great power comes great responsibility. You're responsible for implementing adequate protection against leaking the token in your js bundle, or preventing the /api/preview?secret=${secret} from being easily guessable.
  • It results in a larger JS bundle as @sanity/groq-store currently requires event-source-polyfill since native window.EventSource does not support setting Authorization headers needed for the token auth.


import getSecret from 'lib/getSecret'

export default async function preview(req, res) {
  // The secret can't be stored in an env variable with a NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix, as it would make you vulnerable to leaking the token to anyone.
  // If you don't have an custom API with authentication that can handle checking secrets, you may use https://github.com/sanity-io/sanity-studio-secrets to store the secret in your dataset.
  const secret = await getSecret()

  // This is the most common way to check for auth, but we encourage you to use your existing auth infra to protect your token and securely transmit it to the client
  if (!req.query.secret || req.query.secret !== secret) {
    return res.status(401).json({message: 'Invalid secret'})

  res.setPreviewData({token: process.env.SANITY_API_READ_TOKEN})
  res.writeHead(307, {Location: '/'})


export default function exit(req, res) {
  res.writeHead(307, {Location: '/'})


import groq from 'groq'

export const query = groq`count(*[])`

export function DocumentsCount({data}) {
  return (
      Documents: <strong>{data}</strong>


import {createClient} from 'next-sanity'

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID // "pv8y60vp"
const dataset = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET // "production"
const apiVersion = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_API_VERSION // "2023-05-03"

export const client = createClient({projectId, dataset, apiVersion})


import {definePreview} from 'next-sanity/preview'
import {projectId, dataset} from 'lib/sanity.client'

export const usePreview = definePreview({projectId, dataset})


'use client'

import {usePreview} from 'lib/sanity.preview'
import {query, DocumentsCount} from 'components/DocumentsCount'

export default function PreviewDocumentsCount({token}) {
  const data = usePreview(token, query)
  return <DocumentsCount data={data} />
Using the /pages directory


import {PreviewSuspense} from 'next-sanity/preview'
import {lazy} from 'react'
import {DocumentsCount, query} from 'components/DocumentsCount'
import {client} from 'lib/sanity.client'

// Wrapping preview components in React.lazy ensures visitors not on preview mode doesn't load any JS related to it
const PreviewDocumentsCount = lazy(() => import('components/PreviewDocumentsCount'))

export const getStaticProps = async ({preview = false, previewData = {}}) => {
  if (preview && previewData?.token) {
    return {props: {preview, token: previewData.token}}

  const data = await client.fetch(query)

  return {props: {preview, data}}

export default function IndexPage({preview, token, data}) {
  if (preview) {
    return (
      <PreviewSuspense fallback="Loading...">
        <PreviewDocumentsCount token={token} />

  return <DocumentsCount data={data} />
Using the /app directory (experimental)

We support the new appDir mode in Next, but please note that appDir shouldn't be used in production before Vercel says it's stable.


'use client'

// Once rollup supports 'use client' module directives then 'next-sanity' will include them and this re-export will no longer be necessary
export {PreviewSuspense as default} from 'next-sanity/preview'


import {previewData} from 'next/headers'
import PreviewSuspense from 'components/PreviewSuspense'
import {DocumentsCount, query} from 'components/DocumentsCount'
import PreviewDocumentsCount from 'components/PreviewDocumentsCount'
import {client} from 'lib/sanity.client'

type AppPreviewData = {token: string} | undefined
export default async function IndexPage() {
  if ((previewData() as AppPreviewData)?.token) {
    return (
      <PreviewSuspense fallback="Loading...">
        <PreviewDocumentsCount token={(previewData() as AppPreviewData).token} />

  const data = await client.fetch(query)
  return <DocumentsCount data={data} />



The real-time preview isn't optimized and comes with a configured limit of 3000 documents. You can experiment with larger datasets by configuring the hook with documentLimit: <Integer>. Be aware that this might significantly affect the preview performance. You may use the includeTypes option to reduce the amount of documents and reduce the risk of hitting the documentLimit:

import {definePreview} from 'next-sanity/preview'

export const usePreview = definePreview({
  documentLimit: 10000,
  includeTypes: ['page', 'product', 'sanity.imageAsset'],
  // If you have a lot of editors changing content at the same time it might help to increase this value
  // to reduce the amount of rerenders React have to perform.
  subscriptionThrottleMs: 300,

We have plans for optimizations in the roadmap.


See it live

The latest version of Sanity Studio allows you to embed a near-infinitely configurable content editing interface into any React application. This opens up many possibilities:

  • Any service that hosts Next.js apps can now host your Studio.
  • Building previews for your content is easier as your Studio lives in the same environment.
  • Use Data Fetching to configure your Studio.
  • Easy setup of Preview Mode.


NextStudio loads up the import {Studio} from 'sanity' component for you and wraps it in a Next-friendly layout. metadata specifies the necessary <meta> tags for making the Studio adapt to mobile devices, and prevents the route from being indexed by search engines.

Both the Next /app and /pages examples uses this config file: sanity.config.ts:

import {defineConfig} from 'sanity'
import {deskTool} from 'sanity/desk'

import {schemaTypes} from './schemas'

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID!
const dataset = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET!

export default defineConfig({
  basePath: '/studio', // <-- important that `basePath` matches the route you're mounting your studio from, it applies to both `/pages` and `/app`


  plugins: [deskTool()],

  schema: {
    types: schemaTypes,

To use sanity.cli.ts with the same projectId and dataset as your sanity.config.ts:

/* eslint-disable no-process-env */
import {loadEnvConfig} from '@next/env'
import {defineCliConfig} from 'sanity/cli'

const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
loadEnvConfig(__dirname, dev, {info: () => null, error: console.error})

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID
const dataset = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET

export default defineCliConfig({api: {projectId, dataset}})

Now you can run commands like npx sanity cors add. See npx sanity help for a full list of what you can do.

Using the /app directory (experimental)

We support the new appDir mode in Next, but please note that appDir shouldn't be used in production before Vercel says it's stable.


import {Studio} from './Studio'

// Set the right `viewport`, `robots` and `referer` meta tags
export {metadata} from 'next-sanity/studio/metadata'

export default function StudioPage() {
  return <Studio />


'use client'

import {NextStudio} from 'next-sanity/studio'

import config from '../../../sanity.config'

export function Studio() {
  //  Supports the same props as `import {Studio} from 'sanity'`, `config` is required
  return <NextStudio config={config} />

Customize meta tags app/studio/[[...index]]/page.tsx:

import type {Metadata} from 'next'
import {metadata as studioMetadata} from 'next-sanity/studio/metadata'

import {Studio} from './Studio'

// Set the right `viewport`, `robots` and `referer` meta tags
export const metadata: Metadata = {
  // Overrides the viewport to resize behavior
  viewport: `${studioMetadata.viewport}, interactive-widget=resizes-content`,

export default function StudioPage() {
  return <Studio />

Using the /pages directory


import Head from 'next/head'
import {NextStudio} from 'next-sanity/studio'
import {metadata} from 'next-sanity/studio/metadata'

import config from '../../sanity.config'

export default function StudioPage() {
  return (
        {Object.entries(metadata).map(([key, value]) => (
          <meta key={key} name={key} content={value} />
      <NextStudio config={config} />

Opt-in to using StudioProvider and StudioLayout

If you want to go lower level and have more control over the studio you can pass StudioProvider and StudioLayout from sanity as children:

import {NextStudio} from 'next-sanity/studio'
import {StudioProvider, StudioLayout} from 'sanity'

import config from '../../../sanity.config'

function StudioPage() {
  return (
    <NextStudio config={config}>
      <StudioProvider config={config}>
        {/* Put components here and you'll have access to the same React hooks as Studio gives you when writing plugins */}
        <StudioLayout />


Implements @sanity/webhook to parse and verify that a Webhook is indeed coming from Sanity infrastructure.


import type {NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse} from 'next'
import {parseBody} from 'next-sanity/webhook'

// Export the config from next-sanity to enable validating the request body signature properly
export {config} from 'next-sanity/webhook'

export default async function revalidate(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
  try {
    const {isValidSignature, body} = await parseBody(req, process.env.SANITY_REVALIDATE_SECRET)

    if (!isValidSignature) {
      const message = 'Invalid signature'

    const staleRoute = `/${body.slug.current}`
    await res.revalidate(staleRoute)
    const message = `Updated route: ${staleRoute}`
    return res.status(200).json({message})
  } catch (err) {
    return res.status(500).json({message: err.message})


From v2

The v3 release only contains breaking changes on the next-sanity/studio imports. If you're only using import {createClient, groq} from 'next-sanity' or import {definePreview, PreviewSuspense} from 'next-sanity/preview' then there's no migration for you to do.

NextStudioGlobalStyle is removed

The layout is no longer using global CSS to set the Studio height. The switch to local CSS helps interop between Next /pages and /app layouts.

ServerStyleSheetDocument is removed

It's no longer necessary to setup styled-components SSR for the Studio to render correctly.

The internal isWorkspaceWithTheme and isWorkspaces utils are no longer exported

The useTheme hook is still available if you're building abstractions that need to know what the initial workspace theme variables are.

The useBackgroundColorsFromTheme, useBasePath, useConfigWithBasePath, and useTextFontFamilyFromTheme, hooks are removed

You can useTheme to replace useBackgroundColorsFromTheme and useTextFontFamilyFromTheme:

import {useMemo} from 'react'
import {useTheme} from 'next-sanity/studio'
import type {StudioProps} from 'sanity'
export default function MyComponent(props: Pick<StudioProps, 'config'>) {
  const theme = useTheme(config)
  // useBackgroundColorsFromTheme
  const {themeColorLight, themeColorDark} = useMemo(
    () => ({
      themeColorLight: theme.color.light.default.base.bg,
      themeColorDark: theme.color.dark.default.base.bg,
  // useTextFontFamilyFromTheme
  const fontFamily = useMemo(() => theme.fonts.text.family, [theme])

The reason why useBasePath and useConfigWithBasePath got removed is because Next /pages and /app diverge too much in how they declare dynamic segments. Thus you'll need to specify basePath in your sanity.config.ts manually to match the route you're loading the studio, for the time being.

The NextStudioHead component has moved from next-sanity/studio to next-sanity/studio/head

Its props are also quite different and it now requires you to wrap it in import Head from 'next/head' if you're not using a head.tsx in appDir. Make sure you use TypeScript to ease the migration.

From v1

createPreviewSubscriptionHook is replaced with definePreview

There are several differences between the hooks. First of all, definePreview requires React 18 and Suspense. And as it's designed to work with React Server Components you provide token in the hook itself instead of in the definePreview step. Secondly, definePreview encourages code-splitting using React.lazy and that means you only call the usePreview hook in a component that is lazy loaded. Quite different from usePreviewSubscription which was designed to be used in both preview mode, and in production by providing initialData.


The files that are imported here are the same as the Next /pages example.


import {createPreviewSubscriptionHook} from 'next-sanity'
import {DocumentsCount, query} from 'components/DocumentsCount'
import {client, projectId, dataset} from 'lib/sanity.client'

export const getStaticProps = async ({preview = false}) => {
  const data = await client.fetch(query)

  return {props: {preview, data}}

const usePreviewSubscription = createPreviewSubscriptionHook({projectId, dataset})
export default function IndexPage({preview, data: initialData}) {
  const {data} = usePreviewSubscription(indexQuery, {initialData, enabled: preview})
  return <DocumentsCount data={data} />


import {definePreview} from 'next-sanity/preview'
import {projectId, dataset} from 'lib/sanity.client'

const usePreview = definePreview({projectId, dataset})
export default function PreviewDocumentsCount() {
  const data = usePreview(null, query)
  return <DocumentsCount data={data} />


import {lazy} from 'react'
import {PreviewSuspense} from 'next-sanity/preview'
import {DocumentsCount, query} from 'components/DocumentsCount'
import {client} from 'lib/sanity.client'

const PreviewDocumentsCount = lazy(() => import('components/PreviewDocumentsCount'))

export const getStaticProps = async ({preview = false}) => {
  const data = await client.fetch(query)

  return {props: {preview, data}}

export default function IndexPage({preview, data}) {
  if (preview) {
    return (
      <PreviewSuspense fallback={<DocumentsCount data={data} />}>
        <PreviewDocumentsCount />
  return <DocumentsCount data={data} />

createCurrentUserHook is removed

If you used this hook to check if the user is cookie authenticated:

import {createCurrentUserHook} from 'next-sanity'

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID
const useCurrentUser = createCurrentUserHook({projectId})
const useCheckAuth = () => {
  const {data, loading} = useCurrentUser()
  return loading ? false : !!data

export default function Page() {
  const isAuthenticated = useCheckAuth()

Then you can achieve the same functionality using @sanity/preview-kit and suspend-react:

import {suspend} from 'suspend-react'
import {_checkAuth} from '@sanity/preview-kit'

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID
const useCheckAuth = () =>
  suspend(() => _checkAuth(projectId, null), ['@sanity/preview-kit', 'checkAuth', projectId])

export default function Page() {
  const isAuthenticated = useCheckAuth()

From v0.4

createPortableTextComponent is removed

This utility used to wrap @sanity/block-content-to-react. It's encouraged to upgrade to @portabletext/react.

$ npm install @portabletext/react
// or
$ yarn add @portabletext/react
-import { createPortableTextComponent } from 'next-sanity'
+import { PortableText as PortableTextComponent } from '@portabletext/react'

-export const PortableText = createPortableTextComponent({ serializers: {} })
+export const PortableText = (props) => <PortableTextComponent components={{}} {...props} />

Please note that the serializers and components are not 100% equivalent.

Check the full migration guide.

createImageUrlBuilder is removed

This utility is no longer wrapped by next-sanity and you'll need to install the dependency yourself:

$ npm install @sanity/image-url
// or
$ yarn add @sanity/image-url
-import { createImageUrlBuilder } from 'next-sanity'
+import createImageUrlBuilder from '@sanity/image-url'

Release new version

Run "CI & Release" workflow. Make sure to select the main branch and check "Release new version".

Semantic release will only release on configured branches, so it is safe to run release on any branch.


MIT-licensed. See LICENSE.