Tiny invert is a tiny yet powerful tool for dependency inversion.
❌ It's not an implementation of the dependency injection pattern.
❌ It's not a copy of solutions from Java and C#.
✅ It's an implementation of dependency inversion in the most effective way for TypeScript.
- Tiny: Less than 1kb in size.
- Typesafe: All errors are checked at compile time by TypeScript.
- Modular: Designed to work with independent modules.
- TS-way: No decorators, classes, or keys are needed, only simple objects and lambdas.
- Explicit: It is easy to track all dependencies of a module.
import { createContainer, createModule } from "tiny-invert";
// Define module dependencies
interface Logger {}
interface Api {}
type ModuleDeps = {
logger: Logger;
api: Api;
// Create container
const Container = createContainer<ModuleDeps>();
// Define provider with inverted dependency
const loginProvider = Container.provider((ctx) => {
// Initialization stage
return function login(username: string, password: string) {
// Runtime stage
// Module dependencies usage
ctx.deps.logger("login: start");
return ctx.deps.api.login(username, password);
// Define dependent provider
const authServiceProvider = Container.provider(
(ctx) => ({
// Other providers usage
login: ctx.innerDeps.login,
// Used providers
login: loginProvider,
// Define module
const AuthServiceModule = createModule(
// Entry provider
// Create module instance
const authService = AuthServiceModule.init({
logger: new Logger(),
api: new Api(),
// Run
authService.login("Evgeny Paromov", "12345");
npm install tiny-invert
Container is used to define module dependencies. All providers created by the container can use the module dependencies.
createContainer has no runtime. It is used only for TypeScript type checking.
interface Logger {}
interface Api {}
type ModuleDeps = {
logger: Logger;
api: Api;
const Container = createContainer<ModuleDeps>();
Containers can be merged and extended.
import { createContainer, mergeContainers } from "tiny-invert";
const Container = mergeContainers([
createContainer<{ test1: string }>(),
createContainer<{ test2: string }>(),
// Container<{ test1: string } & { test2: string }>
const ExtendedContainer = Container.extend<{ test3: string }>();
// Container<{ test1: string } & { test2: string } & { test3: string }>
You can infer Container dependencies type
const Container = createContainer<{ test1: string }>();
type CotnainerDeps = typeof Container.$inferDeps;
Provider is an object with a factory and links of dependency providers.
To create a provider, you should call the provider
method on Container
with a factory
and a record of dependency providers (optional).
The factory takes one argument ctx which contains all module dependencies ctx.deps
and provider dependencies ctx.innerDeps
const loginProvider = Container.provider(
(ctx) => {
// Module deps configured by the container
// Provider deps configured by the second argument
return function login(username: string, password: string) {
return ctx.deps.api.login(username, password);
api: apiProvider,
Dependencies should contain providers which are created by the container with the same module dependencies type.
To use providers from different containers, you should use Container.extend
or mergeContainers
const Container1 = createContainer<{ test1: string }>();
const Container2 = createContainer<{ test2: string }>();
const provider1 = Container1.provider((ctx) => {
const provider2 = Container2.provider((ctx) => {
const provider3 = mergeContainers([Container1, Container2]).provider((ctx) => {
}, {
provider2, provider1
Use this to Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) realization.
Use can infer provider dependencies and return type.
type ProviderDeps = typeof provider.$inferDeps;
type ProviderResult = typeof provider.$inferResult;
type ProviderInnerDeps = typeof provider.$inferInnerDeps;
Modules are used to define the entry point of provider hierarchy.
To create a module, you should pass the entry provider to createModule
const Container = createContainer<{ ... }>();
const provider = Container.provider((ctx) => {
const Module = createModule(provider);
The module has an init
method which runs all provider factories from leaves to the entry provider.
takes module dependencies of the entry provider and returns the entry provider result.
const Container = createContainer<{ test: string }>();
const Module = createModule(Container.provider((ctx) => ctx.deps.test));
Each provider will be called only once. But in the next 'init' call, it will be called again. You can cache init results or provider factories to prevent this.
const CachedInit = cache(Module.init);
Modules can be composed. Child modules can be converted to providers and used in parent modules.
type Config = {};
type DependencyFromParent = {};
const ChildContainer = createContainer<{
confing: Config;
parentDep: DependencyFromParent;
const childProvider = ChildContainer.provider((ctx) => {});
const ChildModule = createModule(childProvider);
const ParentContainer = createContainer<{ config: Config }>();
const childDependencyProvider = ParentContainer.provider(
(ctx): DependencyFromParent => {},
const childModuleProvider = ParentContainer.provider(
(ctx) =>
confing: ctx.deps.config,
parentDep: ctx.innerDeps.childDep,
childDep: childDependencyProvider,
const parentProvider = ParentContainer.provider(
(ctx) => {
return () => {};
childModule: childModuleProvider,
const ParentModule = createModule(parentProvider);
const parentModule = ParentModule.init({ config: {} });
const Container = createContainer();
const provider1 = Container.provider((ctx) => {});
const provider2 = Container.provider((ctx) => {});
Container.provider((ctx) => ctx.innerDeps, {
const ServiceProvider = Container.provider((ctx) => {}, {
test("service", () => {
const serviceInstance = ServiceProvider.factory({
deps: {
api: new ApiImpl(),
innerDeps: {
provider1: () => {},
const Container = createContainer<void>();
const provider1 = Container.provider(async (ctx) => {
return "asyncValue";
const provider2 = Container.provider(
async (ctx) => {
// before provider1 ready
await ctx.innerDeps.provider1;
// after provider1 ready
return "asyncValue2";
const Module = createModule(provider2);
const asyncModuleInstance = await Module.init();