
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

This is a pure javascript/node.js implementation of the game. The purpose was to use this code in a workshop so the code is partitioned in steps. Each step have 2 branches: an initial one (ex. play) and a final one (ex. play-done)

  • walking-skeleton: the initial environment and basic project automation
  • play: basic game mechanics implemented with a simple protocol over HTTP
  • bot: when no humas are around a bot should play with you
  • socket.io: each board has a channel where all board's event are published so a client could avoid board's status polling
  • score: basic score for players and a leaderboard using redis
  • simulation: how do you know it's working if no one is really playing with it?
  • ui: basic game interface as a single HTML application, this is the last branch and so the complete application



  • jake clean: clean all the artifacts created in ./.work directory
  • jake start: start all services (dropit server and redis server)
  • jake stop: stop all services (dropit server and redis server)
  • jake spec: run all specs
  • jake simulation: run a bunch of simulated games with a few of simulated players (see Jakefile to change games/players number)