
This solution is a CityShield grid that pays all people in cryptocurrency to monitor the pollution in their cars or local homes and they get blockchain stored to keep them from being modified by corrupted actors at the gov level. This project works with a Deep Tech charity that has technology that removes 50% of the pollution in a given city once installed. Intersection level management is possible with the high resolution CityShield. This project with crypto implementation removes the corruption and accountability issues and allows the data to become immutable and thus, a trustworthy peer reviewable data source for science.


This solution is a CityShield grid that pays all people in cryptocurrency to monitor the pollution in their cars or local homes and they get blockchain stored to keep them from being modified by corrupted actors at the gov level. This project works with a Deep Tech charity that has technology that removes 50% of the pollution in a given city once installed. Intersection level management is possible with the high resolution CityShield. This project with crypto implementation removes the corruption and accountability issues and allows the data to become immutable and thus, a trustworthy peer reviewable data source for science.

It also plans to integrate a currency that is carbon credit burning to offset the carbon losses with a On/Off switch for metamask to allow or disallow this and GAS FREE costs for our trading network of green and carbon credit based trading instruments and synthetic assets.



Video about the DeepTech Charity supporting this work and who is seeking support from the world but fundraising has been lacking so far and I can only do so much alone.


{Heres a hosted version if you don't want to download it. Please ignore the terrible ads on this video sharing site.} { https://www.veoh.com/watch/v1420092054RHtqAh6 }

Here is the code I will be using to integrate with a carbon credit and asset settlement token that is build to merge with this project so as to offset all carbon burned from each transaction.


Its token it plans to merge with is this: -- a fork of USDC - https://github.com/cleancoindev/FCo2-tokens


Update 4: This repo is a temporary work place holder until the Mentors and Staff work with me and Extend the deadline.

I will continue work on this, I submitted work to comply to the deadlines. All deliverables will be delivered by the 8th of APR if possible but if no extension is granted this project will remain mostly Thought-ware. I have asked for a 2 week extension for everyone due to illness slowing down my italian and other members of the team which is global.

Now people from Germany, Canada, Brazil and Italy are involved. This is getting interesting...let's not abort it but give it a chance to continue so all software is completed and marketing aspects/sites made.

There are software I can move to the repo if need be but there is no need to do so yet if the CoVid19 extension is not added by the staff....so I submitted my work to comply to the deadline of submission.

This does not mean this project is done at all, it has indeed just began and the mentors are helping this coming week to prepare it for judgement etc. Thanks for reading the updates!


Update 1:

@cleancoindev Update 1 d88f39c 26 minutes ago 40 lines (25 sloc) 2.3 KB

Log of contact with GitCoin hackathon chat about this project ==> A project update report.


Hello Channel Team Members for this hackathon goal.

Mainly this is a work of communication at this time because we need to get the other company doing this on board.

Italy is in lockdown somewhat so I am attempting to contact the team one at a time on their linkedin.

So far I have written the Scientific Partnership person and he did not reply for 2 days now. I will write the CEO next.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} *** UPDATE 3: I got in touch with the CTO and he has put me in touch with the CEO. The CERN spinoff project is interested! Green Light! Moving forward.... {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

I have already the partnership with Sky Solutions 501c3 set up.

They are 100% on board for this work and can generate between 16 and 30 billion carbon credits per year with global work and are ready to monetize the carbon credit system with a global price of 100/ton on all carbon credits in the system and have branding and sub-tokens in the system that intake all carbon credit standards.

Comms with Gold Standard carbon credits have been made and they are updating their system and will get back to me when its time for them to integrate into other systems but are somewhat on board.

I will create a intake currency that establishes fiat value for any carbon credit in the world to make them have liquidity and fungibility and reduce friction in carbon credit trading to zero. {bank mentors take note, I want to do a deep dive into this carbon credit tokenization. I have most of the system protocol planned out, now i just need help coding it all.

I have spent the last 6 months studying DeFi so to build this system and fork several protocols.

I have communicated with Insta-D-App owner and he has agreed to make us the 4th protocol listed.

We plan to fork Compound, MakerDAO, dydx, and a few others that are open sourced to make a fully green carbon credit backed version of the various protocols and systems.

This is the state of this project so far over the last month of work on it or so.

I have hundreds of projects forked into my repo now because there's various other systems and component legos i wish to use in the future.

All the code we need is already done, we just need to weave it all together and I'd like to hear the guidance of the Brazilian Green Economic specialists for guidance on some of the more detailed and nuanced systems in the carbon credit project that is ongoing parallel to the pollution work.

Update 2:

Hello again!

MAJOR progress has occured.

Communication with the Italian company who runs the blockchain paying pollution tracking to the blockchain crowd-hiring peer reviewable muteable data collection, a spin off of CERN has replied but they are burdened being in Italy with the speed of things.

I am asking the staff to extend the hackathon more for everyone to give us another extra week for BOTH of the projects.


+=============================================+ =+==============================+= =-==========================-= Update 1 for Hackathon Goal 2:

Update for 3/26/2020:

We have now 4 mentors and 1 coder interested in the 2 projects.

{The other is: https://github.com/cleancoindev/CarbonBounty}

The coder who has joined is in Berlin and codes a Offset smartcontract for blockchain transactions!

This will give us the ability for parnters/owners of our tokens/investors to switch on a switch to pay offsets and Burn Carbon Credit Fiat to offset their GHG/Carbon gas cost to offset their emissions via burned tokenized carbon credits worth 100 USDC/ton globally.

Let me introduce them for the hackathon staff to see what is going on:

Mentor 1 and 2:


Hi all , I am a mentor (a late addition) for the program and am available for Marketing support.

I worked with an IoT and Blockchain company builder with a background in developing Channel Marketing and Communication launch strategies and campaigns. Worked on fundraising campaigns for homeless charity and Cochair the Women in Blockchain NFP in Berlin.
Based on your deliverables, I can definitely help with Marketing tests, pitch review/ prep for target market & opportunity, comp. Analysis, customer segment validation and overall comms.

Feel free to drop me a msg or request to set up a call.

I'm based in Berlin, timezone is GMT / UTC + 2.

She has joined.


Hi there. I'm an entrepreneur, product manager, SysAdmin, and community manager. More recently I've been working with decentralized identity, inclusive credit/finance/DeFi and decentralized VPN platforms on their communities, producing lots of documentation and content, etc. I own getshuffle.com and commcomm.xyz where I do all the marketing, product management, support, etc.

I'm also a mentor, late addition clearly.

I'm near Toronto, time zone is GMT-5 (currently 11:18).

He has joined.

Mentors 3 and 4:

"Hello, here is Lucas and Isabela from Itau, a brazilian bank, with a specialized structure for climate finance and sustainable solutions. I'm here for mentoring, so if you guys need help let us know."

"Hi @cleancoindev! Yes, we have a structure focused in climate finance

And opportunities and solutions that can cause positive impact to financial systems

Frameworks and structures like TCFD, for example, guide us to create a more climate-responsible-world."

Hi @cleancoindev, I'm so sorry for letting you waiting. Things here are a little bit complicated due the covid-19 - we are making the best efforts to adapt ourselves

I really would appreciate to have a conference chat with you guys

For us, Microsoft Teams works better - it's a homologated software allowed in our company

Can you send us an e-mail? Thus I schedule a meeting