
Qt and QML based Holochain container app

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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A multiplatform Holochain app container that runs in the background and is accessible via a system tray icon based on Qt, QML and the C bindings of holochain-rust.

Dev Dependencies

  • Rust
  • Qt (On macOS, brew install qt should be fine.)
  • cmake

Note that on linux systems you may need to install some dependencies for successful build.


First you must get and build Holochain itself which is added here as a submodule:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Then you can build it just with:

cd holochain-rust
cargo build --release

given that you have rust installed.

Now either open and build all.pro with Qt Creator (esp. if you want to build for Android or iOS) or run:


Make sure you run matching build configurations (i.e. debug/release). The commands above are for release. If you want to build debug do:

cd holochain-rust
cargo build
cd ..
qmake CONFIG+=debug

Sub directories

This repository consist of several sub directories containing separate sub projects.

  • holochain-rust contains the Holochain repository as a sub-module. This project compiles to a static library.
  • bindings contains Qt/C++ wrappers around the Holochain Rust code that is made available in the form of plain C functions and structs. This project makes Holochain available as Qt-based QObjects that can easily be plugged into Qt script engines. This project compiles to a static library.
  • holosqape contains the QML based GUI project wich compiles to an executable that can be build for all platforms supported by Qt. It manages installed Holochain apps and currently sports a generic UI that creates widgets and buttons for each zome function an app implements automatically. It also includes a JavaScript based console in which apps can be instantiated.
  • holoconsole this builds to another executable that basically hosts the same functionality as holosqape but without GUI. Instead it has some compatibility shims to enable running JavaScript libraries such as Tape. It's main purpose is hosting an environment for app tests, including scenario integration tests.
  • app-test-scaffold this is an example showing how to build an app test script to run with holoconsole.

App tests

Binding objects

In order to test a Holochain app we need a JS script that we run in holoconsole. The script engine adds a global object Container to the context before loading and running the user script. It currently has the following methods:

  • installedApps()
  • instantiate(dnaHash)
  • installApp(filename)

and more as can be seen in container.h.

instantiate() returns an App object as defined in app.h with a method

  • call(zome_name, capability_name, function_name, parameters)

(amongst others) which calls the specified zome function, blocks, and returns the result.

This enables us to write code like this:

let dnaHash = Container.installedApps()[0]
let app = Container.instantiate(dnaHash)
// app is actually a C++ object that wraps the Rust Holochain instance
app.name() // -> App name defined in DNA
app.start() // starts the instance's event loop and later will start the network node and DHT (not implemented in Rust yet)
let result = app.call("zome name", "capability name", "function name", "parameters") // runs the zome function which invovles interpreting the app's WASM code

Using Tape testing framework

To get proper assertions and formatted output we want to use existing JS scripting frameworks. We chose Tape for now because of its mininmal footprint.

In order to build a JS bundle including Tape, we use Webpack. app-test-scaffold contains a working example which can be run like this:

cd app-test-scaffold
npm install

You should now find the output in app-test-scaffold/dist/bundle.js. Compile holoconsole and run it like this:

./holoconsole <path-to-repo>/app-test-scaffold/dist/bundle.js

It should give you the following output:

$ ./holoconsole ../app-test-scaffold/dist/bundle.js
QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
TAP version 13
# timing test
from test
ok 1 should be equal
ok 2 should be equal
ok 3 should be equal
ok 4 should be equal
ok 5 should be equal

# tests 5
# pass  5

# ok

(Note: on macOS the executable will be in holoconsole.app/Contents/MacOS so call should look like this: holoconsole.app/Contents/MacOS ../app-test-scaffold/dist/bundle.js)

Webpack config

If you create your own testing project and you want to use Webpack for bundling make sure to set the following node parameters to have the output run in HoloSqapes JS engine:

node: {
	fs: 'empty',
	setImmediate: false

Root UI Components

HoloSqape is the proto Holochain browser and thus makes it possible to add UIs in the form of QML components dynamically.

Soon it will sport a general UI with sophisticated widget system (as described here) that can talk to all installed Holochain apps alike and compose UI widgets as representations for app entries in the same scene. App developers will be able to ship Holochain apps with those entry components and HoloSqape will have a plugin system for these widget components.

Currently it only supports installation and usage of root components. A root component is a full monolithic UI - similar to whole window or browser tab. HoloSqape shows the icon of a root component in the red docker bar on the left. Clickin an icon will load the component and have it replace the current full-screen UI.

HoloSqape comes with a generic root component but more can be installed through the system tray menu. The file dialog expects a directory.

Root component directory contents:

  • main.qml
  • docker_icon.png
  • (any other QML components used by main.qml)


Holochain is an open source project. We welcome all sorts of participation and are actively working on increasing surface area to accept it. Please see our contributing guidelines for our general practices and protocols on participating in the community.


License: GPL v3

Copyright (C) 2018, Holochain Trust

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the license p rovided in the LICENSE file (GPLv3). This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, bu t WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Note: We are considering other 'looser' licensing options (like MIT license) but at this stage are using GPL while we're getting the matter sorted out. See this article for some of our thinking on licensing for distributed application frameworks.