
Examples: tagged releases that correspond to cleanlab releases

jwmueller opened this issue · 1 comments

It will eventually become hard to know which versions of cleanlab an Examples/ notebook works with. An easy way to specify this is via tagged release of Examples/ notebook repo, where users of a particular older cleanlab version can just run the notebook from the corresponding tagged release of the Examples repo.

  • Tag releases for past versions of Examples by matching commit dates against tag release dates for the main cleanlab repo.
  • Edit bottom of Examples/ to list links to the tagged versions and clarify for users of older versions of cleanlab that they should run the notebooks from these versions instead.
  • Add statement to Examples/readme that the notebooks in master branch of Examples are assumed to correspond to master branch version of cleanlab.
  • Clarify how to link particular Examples/ notebooks from inside tutorial notebooks (presumably just link notebook file available in master branch on github). Try to avoid linking tutorial notebooks or cleanlab-code from inside Examples notebooks (don't want to link outdated versions of cleanlab).
  • Update links to moved examples notebooks throughout: cleanlab repo readme,,, and anywhere else there may be links.

@huiwengoh you may ask @elisno for advice on cross-linking between Examples and tutorial notebooks, as he's currently working on this for the token classification notebooks