
Clearbit Python library

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This package is no longer being maintained. If you're looking to integrate with Clearbit's API we recommend looking at the HTTP requests available in our documentation at clearbit.com/docs


A Python API client to https://clearbit.com.


To install the Clearbit Python bindings, run:

pip install clearbit


easy_install clearbit


First authorize requests by setting the API key found on your account's settings page.

import clearbit
clearbit.key = 'mykey'

You can also set the API key via the CLEARBIT_KEY environment variable.

Then you can lookup people by email address. If the email's domain is corporate we'll also return a company response.

response = clearbit.Enrichment.find(email='alex@clearbit.com', stream=True)

See the documentation for more information.

Company lookup

You can lookup company data by domain name:

company = clearbit.Company.find(domain='uber.com',stream=True)

If the company can't be found, then None will be returned.

See the documentation for more information.

Name to Domain

You can search for companies using name as a keyword:

response = clearbit.NameToDomain.find(name='Clearbit')

See the documentation for more information.

Proxy Usage

Passing a proxies dictionary allows you to specify proxy servers to pass the requests through given various protocols.

proxies = {
  'http': 'http://user:password@proxyserver.tld:8080',
  'https': 'https://user:password@proxyserver.tld:8080',

response = clearbit.Enrichment.find(email='alex@clearbit.com', proxies=proxies)


Set the PYTHONPATH env var to the current directory to load the library locally:

