
Cross-chat for Discord

Primary LanguagePython


I made this when I was 13. Do not take this project as a reference to how I code now, only as a reference to how long ago I started learning how to use git. See cade for a better project of mine to look at!

The code and everything after this line is unchanged!

Cross-chat bot for Discord

This is just an example of a cross-chat bot for anyone who wants to know how it works / host one themselves.

This bot is also one of my first projects in Python, so if anything can be improved be sure to let me know.

Credit goes to the many Stack Overflow questions that have helped me in figuring out what is needed to make it work!


The commands included are as follows:

  • .setchannel = sets the cross-chatting channel to the one that the command is sent in
  • .mod (user) and .unmod (user) = mods and unmods a user (moderators have access to the blacklist commands, only the bot owner can send .mod and .unmod)
  • .blacklist (user) and .unblacklist (user) = blacklists and unblacklists a user (bans them from cross-chatting)

These commands (and other stuff) are explained in the bot.py file.

Running the bot

(The three .json files in this repo are necessary for the bot to function.)

In the bot.py file, replace 'YOUR BOTS TOKEN HERE' with the bot token you got from creating your bot here.

You can then run the bot.py file by sending python bot.py in a command prompt window / terminal (you should also install Python (and any missing modules indicated at the beginning of the bot.py file) if you haven't already; I used Python 3.8)