
Batch-download tweets or insert into MongoDB

Primary LanguagePython

Scripts to batch-download tweets (with complete metadata) matching a query, using Tweepy and the standard Search API.


You will need API and OAUTH keys from Twitter. Store the keys in a .env file.

In automate_tweet_download.py and/or automate_mongo_insert.py, change the list of queries to suit your needs. Be aware of rate limits: you may want to adjust the time interval or the MAX_TWEETS number in tweets_to_json.py and/or tweets_to_mongo.py.

Local download (JSON files)

python tweets_to_json.py '<your_query>'

To schedule regular downloads of a list of queries: python automate_tweet_download.py

Insert tweets directly into MongoDB

You will need a Mongo connection string in .env. (I've been using Atlas; other servers may work differently.) python tweets_to_mongo.py '<your_query>'

To schedule regular insertion from a list of queries: python automate_mongo_insert.py