This code depends on the SwitecX25 library which is now housed in a separate repository.
Full details of this project can be found at the Gaugette Blog.
Gaugette.ino is an Ardiuno sketch that uses a simple serial command language to control one or more analog gauges. The following ruby sample code sends command sequences to the attached Arduino from a host computer. The clients directory includes a complete example that showns bandwidth in and out from a pfSense firewall on two analog gauges.
require 'gaugette'
# open serial connection to Arduino running gaugette.ino
@gaugette ="/dev/tty.usbmodem24411")
# zero and configure each motor
[0,1].each {|i|}
# move motors in sync
v = 0
6.times do |i|
@gaugette.set(1, v)
@gaugette.set(0, v)
sleep 1
v = 1-v