
A basic Node.js REST application to protect information on a static site. No framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A basic Node.js REST application to protect information on a static site.

This application is intended for use with a static site using a framework such as Gatsby.js. The user endpoint checks the credentials and returns a JWT. A valid JWT is required to access the cv-info endpoint.


Endpoint HTTP verb Notes
/api/login POST Validate credentials. Data: {username, password}. Return: 200 with JWT, or 403 error.
/api/cvinfo/:id GET Retrieve resource by id. JWT passed in Authorization header. Return: 200 with {details}, 403 if JWT missing/invalid, or 400 error.

cv-info sequence diagram


This implementation is intentially simple. Neither Express nor other frameworks are used. There is a basic server.js to route the requests. All HTTP details are managed here. The resource handlers (user.js and cvinfo.js) are not HTTP aware. This is so they could be called from API Gateway as an AWS Lambda, or similar. There's no database, although it could easily be added.

The auth POST method checks agains a single username / password combination stored as an environment variable. It could easily be changed to database lookup.

The cvinfo GET method looks up a resource from a file. This could be replaced by database lookup or some other resource.

Running the application

Clone and install with yarn (or npm).

Copy the .env.example file to .env and make any edits.

To run the server for development or testing:

yarn develop

Log in

To log in and retrieve a JWT token:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/login' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"username":"foo", "password":"bar"}'

You should get a response like this:

{"message":"Here's your new token.","token":"__YOUR_JWT__)"}

Your token will be in the place of __YOUR_JWT__.

Get data

To get data from the app, replace __YOUR_JWT__ with the token you received in the login request.

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/api/cvinfo/sample' \
--header 'Authorization: __YOUR_JWT__'

Generate new password

From the project directory, you can run node to open a CLI. In the CLI, type the following:

const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');

The new password hash will be displayed. Copy this to your .env file.


This application is not recommended for protecting important secrets. Use it to better understand how you could use JWT for API auth. If you are planning your own application, look for a proven and tested auth framework.


Currently, there are only tests on the business logic in src/handlers which do the main work. There are no tests on the HTTP logic.