
A lightweight TypeScript API for constructing XPath 1.0 expressions.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A lightweight TypeScript API for constructing XPath 1.0 expressions.

Do you know XPath 1.0? This is basically the more powerful sibling of CSS selectors. Built into almost every browser and E2E testing framework. The syntax and thus the DX is a bit cumbersome. Typically, an XPath expression is written as a JavaScript string. This means there is no IntelliSense support, no syntax highlighting, and you quickly get lost in the parentheses. That's why I built Sonnar.


npm install sonnar

Usage examples

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import {NodeSet, fn} from 'sonnar';

const {expression} = NodeSet.any()
    NodeSet.element(`tr`, `following-sibling`)
      .filter(fn(`position`).is(`=`, 1)) // less verbose alternative: .filter(1)
      .filter(fn(`substring-before`, NodeSet.text(), `\u00A0`).is(`>`, 50)),

  `descendant-or-self::node()[attribute::class[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(self::node()), " "), " athing ")]][following-sibling::tr[(position() = 1)] / child::td[2] / child::a[last()][(substring-before(child::text(), "\u00A0") > 50)]]`,
Show the XPath 1.0 expression
      [contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(self::node()), " "), " athing ")]
      [(position() = 1)]
    / child::td
    / child::a
      [(substring-before(child::text(), "\u00A0") > 50)]

Select a set of nodes

The following is a list of examples taken from the W3C specification document.

Show the examples
import {NodeSet, fn} from 'sonnar';

// selects the para element children of the context node

// selects all element children of the context node

// selects all text node children of the context node

// selects all the children of the context node, whatever their node type

// selects the name attribute of the context node

// selects all the attributes of the context node

// selects the para element descendants of the context node
NodeSet.element(`para`, `descendant`);

// selects all div ancestors of the context node
NodeSet.element(`div`, `ancestor`);

// selects the div ancestors of the context node and, if the context node is a div element, the context node as well
NodeSet.element(`div`, `ancestor-or-self`);

// selects the para element descendants of the context node and, if the context node is a para element, the context node as well
NodeSet.element(`para`, `descendant-or-self`);

// selects the context node if it is a para element, and otherwise selects nothing
NodeSet.element(`para`, `self`);

// selects the para element descendants of the chapter element children of the context node
NodeSet.element(`chapter`).path(NodeSet.element(`para`, `descendant`));

// selects all para grandchildren of the context node

// selects the document root (which is always the parent of the document element)

// selects all the para elements in the same document as the context node
NodeSet.root().path(NodeSet.element(`para`, `descendant`));

// selects all the item elements that have an olist parent and that are in the same document as the context node
  .path(NodeSet.element(`olist`, `descendant`))

// selects the first para child of the context node
NodeSet.element(`para`).filter(fn(`position`).is(`=`, 1));

// selects the last para child of the context node
NodeSet.element(`para`).filter(fn(`position`).is(`=`, fn(`last`)));

// selects the last but one para child of the context node
NodeSet.element(`para`).filter(fn(`position`).is(`=`, fn(`last`).subtract(1)));

// selects all the para children of the context node other than the first para child of the context node
NodeSet.element(`para`).filter(fn(`position`).is(`>`, 1));

// selects the next chapter sibling of the context node
NodeSet.element(`chapter`, `following-sibling`).filter(
  fn(`position`).is(`=`, 1),

// selects the previous chapter sibling of the context node
NodeSet.element(`chapter`, `preceding-sibling`).filter(
  fn(`position`).is(`=`, 1),

// selects the forty-second figure element in the document
  .path(NodeSet.element(`figure`, `descendant`))
  .filter(fn(`position`).is(`=`, 42));

// selects the second section of the fifth chapter of the doc document element
  .filter(fn(`position`).is(`=`, 5))
  .filter(fn(`position`).is(`=`, 2));

// selects all para children of the context node that have a type attribute with value warning
NodeSet.element(`para`).filter(NodeSet.attribute(`type`).is(`=`, `warning`));

// selects the fifth para child of the context node that has a type attribute with value warning
  .filter(NodeSet.attribute(`type`).is(`=`, `warning`))
  .filter(fn(`position`).is(`=`, 5));

// selects the fifth para child of the context node if that child has a type attribute with value warning
  .filter(fn(`position`).is(`=`, 5))
  .filter(NodeSet.attribute(`type`).is(`=`, `warning`));

// selects the chapter children of the context node that have one or more title children with string-value equal to Introduction
  NodeSet.element(`title`).is(`=`, `Introduction`),

// selects the chapter children of the context node that have one or more title children

// selects the chapter and appendix children of the context node
  NodeSet.element(`chapter`, `self`).or(NodeSet.element(`appendix`, `self`)),

// selects the last chapter or appendix child of the context node
    NodeSet.element(`chapter`, `self`).or(NodeSet.element(`appendix`, `self`)),
  .filter(fn(`position`).is(`=`, fn(`last`)));

Select attributes by their class or ID

Since this library is mainly used in the context of the DOM, it provides a convenient way to select attributes based on their class or ID using the same syntax as CSS class or ID selectors.

import {NodeSet} from 'sonnar';

// selects the class attribute of the context node that contains the value foo

// selects the id attribute of the context node that has the value foo

Automatic setting of parentheses

The expression of an operation which results in a primitive is automatically enclosed in parentheses.

Show the affected methods
  • Primitive.and()
  • Primitive.or()
  • Primitive.is()
  • Primitive.add()
  • Primitive.subtract()
  • Primitive.multiply()
  • Primitive.divide()
  • Primitive.mod()
import {Primitive} from 'sonnar';

// (((3 + 3) * 7) = 42)
Primitive.literal(3).add(3).multiply(7).is(`=`, 42);

// (((7 * 3) + 3) != 42)
Primitive.literal(7).multiply(3).add(3).is(`!=`, 42);

// ((7 * (3 + 3)) = 42)
Primitive.literal(7).multiply(Primitive.literal(3).add(3)).is(`=`, 42);

Since the syntax of XPath 1.0 does not allow the right part of a path expression to be enclosed in parentheses, the expression of an operation which results in a node-set is not automatically enclosed in parentheses. Thus, for example, the following expression (preceding::foo)[1] cannot be constructed with Sonnar.

Show the affected methods
  • NodeSet.filter()
  • NodeSet.path()
  • NodeSet.union()

API documentation


import {NodeSet} from 'sonnar';
class NodeSet extends Primitive {
  static any(): NodeSet; // Shortcut for `NodeSet.node('descendant-or-self')`
  static attribute(attributeName: string): NodeSet;
  static comment(axisName: AxisName = `child`): NodeSet;
  static element(elementName: string, axisName: AxisName = `child`): NodeSet;
  static namespace(namespaceName: string): NodeSet;
  static node(axisName: AxisName = `child`): NodeSet;
  static parent(): NodeSet; // Shortcut for `NodeSet.node('parent')`

  static processingInstruction(
    axisName: AxisName = `child`,
    targetName?: string,
  ): NodeSet;

  static root(): NodeSet;
  static self(): NodeSet; // Shortcut for `NodeSet.node('self')`
  static text(axisName: AxisName = `child`): NodeSet;

  filter(predicate: Literal | Primitive): NodeSet;
  path(operand: NodeSet): NodeSet;
  union(operand: NodeSet): NodeSet;


type AxisName =
  | 'ancestor-or-self'
  | 'ancestor'
  | 'child'
  | 'descendant-or-self'
  | 'descendant'
  | 'following-sibling'
  | 'following'
  | 'parent'
  | 'preceding-sibling'
  | 'preceding'
  | 'self';


import {Primitive} from 'sonnar';
class Primitive {
  static isLiteral(value: unknown): value is Literal;
  static literal(value: Literal): Primitive;

  readonly expression: string;

  and(operand: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
  or(operand: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
  is(operator: ComparisonOperator, operand: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
  add(operand: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
  subtract(operand: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
  multiply(operand: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
  divide(operand: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
  mod(operand: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;


type Literal = boolean | number | string;


type ComparisonOperator = '=' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=';


import {fn} from 'sonnar';

Node-set functions

/** `number last()` */
function fn(functionName: 'last'): Primitive;
/** `number position()` */
function fn(functionName: 'position'): Primitive;
/** `number count(node-set)` */
function fn(functionName: 'count', arg: NodeSet): Primitive;
/** `node-set id(object)` */
function fn(functionName: 'id', arg: Literal | Primitive): NodeSet;
/** `string local-name(node-set?)` */
function fn(functionName: 'local-name', arg?: NodeSet): Primitive;
/** `string namespace-uri(node-set?)` */
function fn(functionName: 'namespace-uri', arg?: NodeSet): Primitive;
/** `string name(node-set?)` */
function fn(functionName: 'name', arg?: NodeSet): Primitive;

String functions

/** `string string(object?)` */
function fn(functionName: 'string', arg?: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
/** `string concat(string, string, string*)` */
function fn(
  functionName: 'concat',
  arg1: Literal | Primitive,
  arg2: Literal | Primitive,
  ...otherArgs: (Literal | Primitive)[]
): Primitive;
/** `boolean starts-with(string, string)` */
function fn(
  functionName: 'starts-with',
  arg1: Literal | Primitive,
  arg2: Literal | Primitive,
): Primitive;
/** `boolean contains(string, string)` */
function fn(
  functionName: 'contains',
  arg1: Literal | Primitive,
  arg2: Literal | Primitive,
): Primitive;
/** `string substring-before(string, string)` */
function fn(
  functionName: 'substring-before',
  arg1: Literal | Primitive,
  arg2: Literal | Primitive,
): Primitive;
/** `string substring-after(string, string)` */
function fn(
  functionName: 'substring-after',
  arg1: Literal | Primitive,
  arg2: Literal | Primitive,
): Primitive;
/** `string substring(string, number, number?)` */
function fn(
  functionName: 'substring',
  arg1: Literal | Primitive,
  arg2: Literal | Primitive,
  arg3?: Literal | Primitive,
): Primitive;
/** `number string-length(string?)` */
function fn(
  functionName: 'string-length',
  arg?: Literal | Primitive,
): Primitive;
/** `string normalize-space(string?)` */
function fn(
  functionName: 'normalize-space',
  arg?: Literal | Primitive,
): Primitive;
/** `string translate(string, string, string)` */
function fn(
  functionName: 'translate',
  arg1: Literal | Primitive,
  arg2: Literal | Primitive,
  arg3: Literal | Primitive,
): Primitive;

Boolean functions

/** `boolean boolean(object)` */
function fn(functionName: 'boolean', arg: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
/** `boolean not(boolean)` */
function fn(functionName: 'not', arg: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
/** `boolean lang(string)` */
function fn(functionName: 'lang', arg: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;

Number functions

/** `number number(object?)` */
function fn(functionName: 'number', arg?: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
/** `number sum(node-set)` */
function fn(functionName: 'sum', arg: NodeSet): Primitive;
/** `number floor(number)` */
function fn(functionName: 'floor', arg: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
/** `number ceiling(number)` */
function fn(functionName: 'ceiling', arg: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;
/** `number round(number)` */
function fn(functionName: 'round', arg: Literal | Primitive): Primitive;