
Yet another chip8 and superchip8 emulator

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Yet another chip8 emulator

(Chip8 emulator logo rom from Garstyciuks)


chip8_emu can run Chip8 / Superchip8 roms.
It also features a Cosmac VIP compatibility mode.
Background and sprites colors can be customized.
Buzzer frequency can also be set.


Make sure you have chip8_emu dependencies by running git submodule init && git submodule update.
You may compile chip8_emu binary by running mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && make -j8.


./chip8_emu [-b BACKGROUND_COLOR][-c CYCLE_PER_FRAME][-h | --help][-i SILENT_COLOR]
[-k | --keys][-n][-m][-p SPRITE_COLOR][-r][-s SCALE][-t ROME_TYPE][-u BUZZER_TONE]

-b: Background RGB color in hex format. Default is 0x222222
-c: Cycles per frames (Emulation speed). Default is 30.
-h | --help: Display help.
-i: Silent RGB color in hex format. Default is 0x000000
-k | --keys: Display key mapping.
-n: Will not save flag registers at exit. Only for SUPERCHIP8.
-m: Mute buzzer sound.
-p: Sprite RGB color in hex format. Default is 0x00bb00
-r: Reset flag registers. Only for SUPERCHIP8 Roms.
-s: Resolution scaling from original resolution. Default is 8.
-t: Rom Type can be CHIP8_COSMAC_VIP, CHIP8, SUPERCHIP8. Default is CHIP8.
-u: Buzzer tone in Hz. Default is 2000 Hz
-z: Buzzer RGB color in hex format. Default is 0x555555
-A: Warn when instruction are not even aligned.
-B: Activate SUPERCHIP8 quirk on BNNN instrution.
-W: Change sprite drawing behaviour from clipping to wrapping