
Fast 🌍️ <KML /> processing for python

Primary LanguagePython


KML is an XML geospatial data format and an OGC standard that deserves a canonical python implementation.

Fastkml is a library to read, write and manipulate KML files. It aims to keep it simple and fast (using lxml if available). Fast refers to the time you spend to write and read KML files as well as the time you spend to get acquainted to the library or to create KML objects. It aims to provide all of the functionality that KML clients such as Marble, NASA WorldWind, Cesium JS, OpenLayers, Google Maps, and Google Earth support.

For more details about the KML Specification, check out the KML Reference on the Google developers site.

Geometries are handled as pygeoif objects, which are compatible with any geometry that implements the __geo_interface__ protocol, such as shapely.

Fastkml is tested on CPython and PyPy, but it should work on alternative Python implementations (that implement the language specification >=3.8) as well.

Test Tested with Hypothesis codecov.io Black Mypy pre-commit

Is maintained and documented:

Latest PyPI version Conda-Forge Development Status LGPL - License Documentation Statistics from OpenHub Supported Python versions Supported Python implementations Libraries.io dependency status for latest release Downloads


You can find all of the documentation for FastKML at fastkml.readthedocs.org. If you find something that is missing, please submit a pull request on GitHub with the improvement.


You can install the package with pip install fastkml which will pull in all requirements.



pip install "fastkml[lxml]"


Currently, the only major feature missing for the full Google Earth experience is the gx extension. Please submit a PR with the features you'd like to see implemented.