Very simple application using YARM modules and Acqua board [See here] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbdsCkS3KM4)
I use two YARM module and an Acqua LCD board for this very simple application.
A remote YARM module, connected to a BME280 chip, send the temperature, humidity and pressure value.
Another YARM module is attached to the Acqua board using a seria connection. This local module send the values received using a simple JSON structure.
On the Acqua board are running a couple of python script. I sue 64MB of ram disk to store temporary files.
First, run the "download_info.sh" script. This script run the "mk_ramdisk.sh" and "sync_time.sh" scripts, and then run a forever loop, paused for 600 sec. Inside this loop I run two python script: "ansa_reader.py" and "weather_reader.py".
The "ansa_reader.py" script read the RSS from the Italian ANSA web site. Then save title and text of each news on the ramdisk as separated file.
The "weather_reader.py" script is a python library to download weather info from the World Weather OnLine You need a "key" to access the web API. This script download weather and icons and save, as separate files on ramdisk, all the information.
Then you need to run the "serial_tst.py" script. This script read from the serial interface the JSON string received and save a file. It print out the received JSON string.
Last but not least you need to run the "YARM_Station.py" script. This script use python game to access the Acqua frame buffer and to make string and icons look better! [See here] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbdsCkS3KM4) for the result!