Exploring Fluid Simulation

This project explores creating a 2D environment to simulate fluid using smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH). It is greatly-inspired by Sebastian Lague's amazing fluid simulation video.

The code is written in the Rust programming language and uses the Bevy game engine. Bevy uses an Entity Component System (ECS) architecture, which you can learn more about here.

For more information about the proposal, design, and results of this project, presentations can be found in the presentations directory.

Installation Instructions

  1. Ensure Rust is installed.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. cd into fluid_simulation.
  4. Run cargo run --release.

That should be it! It may take a while for everything to get compiled.

User Instructions

There is no user interaction in the project's current state. However, you can control the simulation time, as well as adjust inital parameters in the codebase before running the simulation.


  • Press space to pause/unpause
  • Press arrow.up to speed up time
  • Press arrow.down to slow down time

Initial Parameters


  • BOUNDS: the size of the boundary containing the particles.


  • NUM_PARTICLES: the number of particles in the simulation.
  • PARTICLE_SIZE: the size of a particle.
  • PARTICLE_SPACING: the spacing between each particle when spawned in a grid.
    • use the spawn_particles_randomly method instead of spawn_particles to spawn the particles with random coordinates instead of a grid.


  • DEFAULT_GRAVITY: the acceleration due to gravity.
  • DAMPENING_FACTOR: the amount of velocity lost when a particle collides with a boundary border.
  • SMOOTHING_RADIUS: the smoothing radius of the smoothing function.
  • MASS: the mass of a particle.
  • REST_DENSITY: the target rest density in the simulation.
  • GAS_CONSTANT: the gas constant in the simulation.

Future Directions

  • Integrate solution for boundary issues
  • Optimize by breaking space into grids to improve search times
    • or write a compute shader
  • Incorporate interactivity into simulation
    • geometric objects, mouse repels or attracts particles
  • Implement UI to customize and toggle initial parameters